The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Non healing Wound after Pilonidal Cyst
My husband (age 30) had pilonidal cyst in May,06. Was first operated for it in Jun ,06. Dr. put stitches on the wound.It did not heal properly & a pocket was formed inside the skin, and had some collection underneath.
So the dr. again operated it in end of July. this time he left the wound open.
Wound was 1 inch deep & 1.5 inch length. It was healing slowly, & it almost reached the surface of the skin with very little drainage.
But unfortunately drainage increased & Dr. had to again do a surgery.
His last surgery was done in mid Oct. This time the wound was 4 cm deep, 4 cms length & 1 inch wide.
By Nov end the wound had healed almost to the surface but situation hasnt stabilized.
Every now and then new opening/holes keep forming in the wound & old ones keep closing too.
But the wound has not completely healed.
Could somebody please advice us a homeopathic treatment for this.
Shweta_Gupta on 2007-01-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
See maam it must be like that your husband may be having this tendency of wounds not healing faster or healing being delayed,or if that is not the case then the debridement done by the doc may be faulty then too if you dont would you mind geeting in contact with me in my opd? because that would be a proper way of prescribing or advising as i dont believe in prescribing without watching the patient even once.So if you dont mind you can get in contact with me on my cell no. i.e. 9890184403. And by the way i am practising in pune.So would it be convinient for you?
drakikdesai last decade
Read all posts in Archives on Pilonidal cyst.
With surgery ...pilonidal cyst comes back again and again.
Homeopathic meds can eliminate the tendency totally.
Pankaj Varma
With surgery ...pilonidal cyst comes back again and again.
Homeopathic meds can eliminate the tendency totally.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Pankaj,
Yes, my husband had sent the query to you.
We are trying to find 200C potency medicines now, as they are not easily available in US.
Yes, my husband had sent the query to you.
We are trying to find 200C potency medicines now, as they are not easily available in US.
Shweta_Gupta last decade
Yes I know that...but order online. He has to take 200 potency meds...not lower. Don't give lower potency as it will not heal then.
Pankaj Varma
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
On the open wound apply Calendula ointment.
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
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