The ABC Homeopathy Forum
red itchy area around eyes
Hi,My 16 year old daughter has a red, slightly swollen rash around her eyes on the top lid and just below the eye. She took her make-up off several nights ago then noticed that the area around her eyes was burning. She didn't say anything until the next morning after her shower and when she told me about it, she was crying because now the area around her eyes felt raw and the shampoo burned it badly. I took her to our regular doctor and he diagnosised her with conjunctivitus and gave her eye drops to use twice a day. I don't believe the diagnosis was correct because now, several days later, the situation has not improved at all.
Pamela552 on 2007-01-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
the remedy is SULPHUR.
give her SULPHUR 200C some three to four doses at 3 to 4 hours interval.
she will be alright in the next 2 to 3 days.
give her SULPHUR 200C some three to four doses at 3 to 4 hours interval.
she will be alright in the next 2 to 3 days.
♡ rishimba last decade
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