The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Teeth & Gums Problems
Hello;I have a very sensitive teeth, cannot drink cold water...gums are also painful, some of my front teeth are beginning to get loose.
Any Homeopathic remedies for these...Please.
shaikh47 on 2007-01-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sounds like serious GUM Disease, I don't think I would try to treat it myself. If you weren't in such serious danger of loosing your teeth, you could try bakingsoda and peroxide tooth paste. But it sounds too serious to me. Once you get it mediaclly under controll consider changing your oral health habits for the better, and some say that your oral health is a good indicator of your physical health. It might be a good time to change some old unhealthy habits for this new years resolution. I hope that you feel better soon.
klp24 last decade
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