The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Effexor Insanity?
Hi, I have been taking 300 mgs of Effexor and 300mg of Wellbutrin for 5 years. I was given these meds in an alcohol detox program. I have suffered from major depression my entire life.This combination has produced an effect like constantly coming off of cocaine. Intense periods of anxiety, constant 'brain zaps', sweating, feeling of jumping out of my skin, inability to concentrate, inability to sleep, moments of intense creativity followed by deep depressions. I feel like I am all charged up with energy but can't move. The only thing I can do to escape myself is run. 12mile runs that kill my body but I dont even remember that I did them.
All of this I have told to my 'doctor' over and over again. He says its not the drugs.
Someone please help me. Im scared because if I get off the drugs I will be so depressed I can not function. I decide to get off them then I forget I decided to get off of them.
Thank you in advance and best wishes to all of you in your efforts to detox.
Boboman on 2007-01-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
HI, I've only just joined the site and found your post to be so very similar to my own case. The bit that hurts is the way the Drs say it's not the drugs. You clearly do not sound retarded, so why do they do this? I know your fears of further major depressions, (and have also come off other things, including alcohol (sigh) and heroin plus other anti-d's). Still, in between episodes, I know my quality of life has been better without the drugs. I hope you have beaten the effexor. I wish you enormous good fortune with whatever happens. I'm just starting my own 'Effexorcism' and I'm using Amino acids, omega 3 fatty acids, and all 12 tissue salts for support. No human support is available where I live, unfortunately. Cheers and best wishes in all your future efforts.
Abbynormal1 last decade
To Boboman,
Listen! You're not out of step, its the doctors, they can't possibly understand the symptoms you are experiencing. Other effexor users I'm sure sympathise with you. Ask your doctor for referral to a homeopathic clinic and see if they can give you something to make the withdrawal more bearable.
All the Best!!
Listen! You're not out of step, its the doctors, they can't possibly understand the symptoms you are experiencing. Other effexor users I'm sure sympathise with you. Ask your doctor for referral to a homeopathic clinic and see if they can give you something to make the withdrawal more bearable.
All the Best!!
She Wolf last decade
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