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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sexual Health


I'm suffering from follwing since 4 years:

1. Frequent nocturnal emissions (Every night or some times with a days gap)

2. Nocturnal emissions are with or without dreams.

3. I feel weakness after nocturnal emissions.

4. Transparent honey like liquid passes out when talking to girls.or even think about a girl. 'this problem should b solved atleast.'

5. Penis is very weak. not in a healthy condition. always in shrinked form. not having long erection. erection only during sleep.

6. i started masturbation at the age of 15 and did almost daily but from the last one year i have stopped it completely.

About my self:
- Age: 24
- Height: 5'6'
- No constipation.
- Cool temper.
- Think too much.
- Sleep too much.

i have used acid phos q. conium 30.selenium 30. but that did not work at all. please tell me some good medicines.
  adnan62 on 2007-02-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Stop all the medicines. First assure yourself to be poise, refrain from bad habits,bad friends, avoid to see sexy films etc. Have good, sincer friends, offer prays and start the following medicines:

Thuja-Q 10 drops only at bed time daily
Nat. Phos 6x thrice a day
Report after a week
Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
i have read all the symtoms of Thuja-Q. but they are not much related to my problems.

kindly: can u advice me some of the tablets or compounds capsules which are available in market(paksitan). bcz homeopathy has progressed a lot andmany tablets in compounds are available in market. you no need to take two or three medicines just a single tablet can do the all.

i think just these drops will take a long time to cure these problems. kindly advice some good medicines because i m not only who is facing this problem. this will help a lot of young boys.

adnan62 last decade
Dear Adnan
Always beleive in Nature. do not think about artificial thinks lik capsuls, tables, talas.
As far as my prescription concerned -Thuja-Q has been advised by the kings of homoeopathy. In my practice it remains very useful all the times.

Any inquiry please feel free.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
There is nothing wrong with masturbation and thinking about sex and to tell someone to refrain and pray is absolutely ludicrous.

Adnan, more info is needed on your full mental health and other physical symptoms first.

All the best,
Tina R last decade
Hi Tina
I do not agree with your thoughts. There is no religion, society, culture who allows malpractice like masturbation frequently as there is a natural path which is appreciable every wehre. Moreover, masturbation causes to defect the organ also and loss of vital fluid is also not good for health.

Nowe come to the mental symptoms. Please note that the sex is always generated in mind and if someone indulg himself all the times in sexual activies and have the same thought than how he will become healthy mind.If the mind of a man is clear, confident and healthy he will never loose any thing and if he is mentally ill then he will loos everywhere.
Is this not a universal truth that PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. Why the Dorctors advised the patients to avoid injurious things This is why that harm him. and bad thinking, bad friend,bad society is alway condemenable.

However, thank you for your reply.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dr Mahfooz

I disagree once again with you. Daily masturbation is not the problem, the problem is the mental anguish this man and society places on himself because he believes sexual urges should be stopped. He has stopped masturbating for a year and this has obviously done him no good.

I think you have proven my point when you mention that 'no religion, society or culture allows the malpractice of masturbation'. Where ever did you come up with this? Maybe you have come from a sexually repressed religion, society or culture?

Please stick to the symptoms mentioned and try to refrain from moral judgement. This is helping no one.

Tina R last decade
Hi Tiny,
Never mind, difference of opinion is always there. But the facts, reality can not be denied. Let us work for rehabilitation of the Patient.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade

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