The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Yellow Vomit / headache
It happens to me during sleep..I am 54 year old and I have had this on and off for the last i'd say 7-8 it is becoming more frequent...First, i wake up in the early morning hours (3.00 am to 5 am)with a headache ...then I throw up clear bubbly foam which is sour ...then after the white foam is gone, i throw up yellow liquid ( while iam in headache)...then , if its a severe case , i throw up dark brown pasty liquid...after that i must wait 24 hrs for the headache to go...Can someone help me?
Sajid Rafique
sajidrafique on 2007-02-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear sajidafique:
Try ARSENICUM ALBUM 15 CH, three pellets, twice a day.
When the symptoms are relieved, reduce to only one intake till the symptoms dissapear.
If there is any annoyed symptoms, report.
I can suppose you have had -and now you have- other digestive disturbs: diarrhea or constipación, burning pains... Please, if you can give us more information (other symptoms, food habits, costumes, personality...), we can select better the remedy.
Best wishes
Try ARSENICUM ALBUM 15 CH, three pellets, twice a day.
When the symptoms are relieved, reduce to only one intake till the symptoms dissapear.
If there is any annoyed symptoms, report.
I can suppose you have had -and now you have- other digestive disturbs: diarrhea or constipación, burning pains... Please, if you can give us more information (other symptoms, food habits, costumes, personality...), we can select better the remedy.
Best wishes
andres last decade
Dear Andres...Gracias
Surprized you may be but my digestion has been and still is very good...very regular bowel movements etc..It is only this condition that afflicts me (not every day)...It used to be once a year about 7-8 years ago...then gradually it became once / 3 months and now it might be once in 2 months ...but it is really random...It may not happen for 3 months ...never know..
My last experience was 7 days ago and headache lasted 24 hrs...Last night i took famotidine 10mg per a pharmacist's advice ...i am ok today..but i dont know if this will help on that 'rare' and random eruption of that condition...
See , i just dont know when it will happen...Its probability is higher when i go to bed soon after dinner or within an hr of dinner...So i avoid late dinners..
Thanks so much for ur feed back..
Surprized you may be but my digestion has been and still is very good...very regular bowel movements etc..It is only this condition that afflicts me (not every day)...It used to be once a year about 7-8 years ago...then gradually it became once / 3 months and now it might be once in 2 months ...but it is really random...It may not happen for 3 months ...never know..
My last experience was 7 days ago and headache lasted 24 hrs...Last night i took famotidine 10mg per a pharmacist's advice ...i am ok today..but i dont know if this will help on that 'rare' and random eruption of that condition...
See , i just dont know when it will happen...Its probability is higher when i go to bed soon after dinner or within an hr of dinner...So i avoid late dinners..
Thanks so much for ur feed back..
sajidrafique last decade
I think Nux Vomica-200 one doze at night will improve your condition keeping in view your staement.
Dr. Mahfooz
Dr. Mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Dr. Mahfooz:
Surely Nux Vom. would work OK, but NUX V. doesn't cover yellow vomit neither brownish vomit. And about time, we can choose between ARS or PHOS. Studying with detail, I prefer ARS, because the symptoms ocurr in at 3-5 a.m. And Phos. prefers day (sometimes night, but no this time).
We can try with ARS. ALB. Let's wait for report.
Thanks again
Surely Nux Vom. would work OK, but NUX V. doesn't cover yellow vomit neither brownish vomit. And about time, we can choose between ARS or PHOS. Studying with detail, I prefer ARS, because the symptoms ocurr in at 3-5 a.m. And Phos. prefers day (sometimes night, but no this time).
We can try with ARS. ALB. Let's wait for report.
Thanks again
andres last decade
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