The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Toddler's Ear Infection
I really need help. There is no any homeopathic practitioners in our area and our pediatrician is not of big help, she just pricribes different antibiotics.My daughter is 18.5 months old and has now her second ear infection. They both started as a cold with really runny nose.
The last one started on Feb. 6. She was not quite passive throughout the day, which is very unusual for her. She even had a nap in the morning and then in the afternoon. Then she had a fever 101.8 in the late afternoon and I gave her a Tylenol. She was not complaining much, she slept well.
Then next day she still has a fever 100. She had a really runny nose. She also had a cough. We went to out doctor on Feb. 8 and she said that the left ear has a red inflamed ear drum and there is a fluid behind it. We decided to wait before giving any antibiotics. Also a culture from the nose was taken which showed a presence of a bacterial infection. As for a cough, doctor said that it just from the stuffy nose.
So we just waited but at night on Feb. 13-14 she woke up crying and that lasted all night long with a small interval of sleep. I gave her a Tylenol but it did not help. We brought her to the doctor in the morning on Feb. 14 and she said that her left ear is worse that it was, but her right ear is even worse then the left one. So we started to give her an antibiotic Sefzil.
She has it for 6 days now but she still has a stuffy nose in the morning and a cough. She even woke up at night 2-3-4 times and cough. She also coughes in the morning aspecially before and after waking up. I think almost no cough in the day.
I am very unhappy about it and the last thing I want is to give her antibiotic, but we had no choice then. Now I have learned a little bit about homeopathy and its methods, so I really would like to do something to help my daughter to get and be well. Could you please help me with any advise?
marmy on 2007-02-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
marmy last decade
please state the following
- which ear is now having the infection.
- any smell from the ears. if yes, how is the smell.
- any oozing from the ears.
- any pain or itching as suggested by the child.
- how does she behave, mild or gets angry.
- what other ailments she is having now.
- which ear is now having the infection.
- any smell from the ears. if yes, how is the smell.
- any oozing from the ears.
- any pain or itching as suggested by the child.
- how does she behave, mild or gets angry.
- what other ailments she is having now.
♡ rishimba last decade
Rishimba, thanks for reply.
- which ear is now having the infection.
Now both. All started from the left one, but a week ago doctor told us that the right one looks bad as well.
- any smell from the ears. if yes, how is the smell.
No smell.
- any oozing from the ears.
- any pain or itching as suggested by the child.
I do not think so. She behaves pretty much as usual. She does have a little pain a week ago in her right ear, but after a day it was gone.
- how does she behave, mild or gets angry.
She is very nice and easy baby. She likes an attention, she got upset if I leave the room she is in. She likes to have me seating right next to her.
- what other ailments she is having now.
In the morning her nose is a little bit stuffy, but in a while thas goes away. She has a little cough at night and in the mornig upon waking up. Sometimes it is dry, but more often it is not. That is all I can think about.
Thanks again, I really need your help!
- which ear is now having the infection.
Now both. All started from the left one, but a week ago doctor told us that the right one looks bad as well.
- any smell from the ears. if yes, how is the smell.
No smell.
- any oozing from the ears.
- any pain or itching as suggested by the child.
I do not think so. She behaves pretty much as usual. She does have a little pain a week ago in her right ear, but after a day it was gone.
- how does she behave, mild or gets angry.
She is very nice and easy baby. She likes an attention, she got upset if I leave the room she is in. She likes to have me seating right next to her.
- what other ailments she is having now.
In the morning her nose is a little bit stuffy, but in a while thas goes away. She has a little cough at night and in the mornig upon waking up. Sometimes it is dry, but more often it is not. That is all I can think about.
Thanks again, I really need your help!
marmy last decade
as she is not having any symptoms of physical sufferings and typical discharges, i would suggest PULSATILLA 30C two doses at 4 hours interval and then one dose every 8 hours for next 2 days.
the above is based on her generalities and mental set up and will cover ear infections.
the above is based on her generalities and mental set up and will cover ear infections.
♡ rishimba last decade
I gave my dauhter PULSATILLA for a day and then she got down with a cold :( So I gave her FERRUM PHOS for 3 days and now we are back with PULSATILLA.
marmy last decade
my 3 yr old has had recurring ear infections.
tried the belladonna didn't really work
then i tried the ferrum phos 30c it worked in about 4-5 days. this was about a month ago. but now she is complaining of pain in her left ear again which is where the infection usually start. there have been occassions where she has had it in both ears. there is no fever. there is pain to the touch just underneath her left ear. she keeps pulling at it and using her finger to bore inside as though it is itchy.
i have not been to the dr for a diagnosis. she also has a problem w/wax build up. could this be contributing to the recurring ear infections. this is probably her 8th ear infection since birth.
should i try the ferrum again? some one suggested anas barbariae since her infections are recurring.
also, any idea why they keep coming back?
tried the belladonna didn't really work
then i tried the ferrum phos 30c it worked in about 4-5 days. this was about a month ago. but now she is complaining of pain in her left ear again which is where the infection usually start. there have been occassions where she has had it in both ears. there is no fever. there is pain to the touch just underneath her left ear. she keeps pulling at it and using her finger to bore inside as though it is itchy.
i have not been to the dr for a diagnosis. she also has a problem w/wax build up. could this be contributing to the recurring ear infections. this is probably her 8th ear infection since birth.
should i try the ferrum again? some one suggested anas barbariae since her infections are recurring.
also, any idea why they keep coming back?
isa4110 last decade
Ferr.Phos is okay but One dose of Myrestica-200 after 4 days will be very useful in this case.
Dr. Mahfooz
Ferr.Phos is okay but One dose of Myrestica-200 after 4 days will be very useful in this case.
Dr. Mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
After the cold my daughter had, I gave her Pulsatilla for two days. Recently we went to our doctor and she said that ears are fine. The left one has a little fluid left, but there is no any infection.
Hooray!! Thanks!
Hooray!! Thanks!
marmy last decade
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