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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair loss

Dear Sir,

MY name is deepak banga
I am a fair,tall thing shy guy.I am facing problem of Lower abdomen pain from last six years.(Problem start in year 2000.) feeling sensation of Pressure over left side abdomen,presssure in stomach.,facing headache over eyes,headache with cold.
Symptoms are worse when lying and better with movement.Also weak memory and making mistakes in speech.Can not breath through night,desire for sweets
Constipation with a sensetion as if something left behind,Impotence,Weak sexual power,Burning sensation in the back spinal.Excessive hair loss from last six year (Almost the same time when abdomen pain started.)
I am not able to tolerate heat and would prefer to cold environment.Feels much tense before exams/Interviews.My father had compaints of Kidney stones.Also the medical blood test show that i am facing problem of mild hypothyroidism
TSH-10.98 (not within normal ranges)
My physical appearance is tall,thin and pale with excessive hair loss,
I showed myself to homeopathic physician
he advised me to take thyrodinium-1M for alternate weeks and a single dose of Lycopodinium
I got a lot of relief from abdomen pain using Lycopodium but my doctor is not giving me second dose of Lycopodium
Pls advice me are my symtoms of Pain in left lower abdomen,hair loss,Improper digestion,Impotence etc(I think my Mild Hypothyroidism is due to problem in abdomen ) gives a sign to use lycopodium and is it safe to take Lycopodium 200c for one or two months
  deepakbanga on 2007-03-09
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