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Dr Andres, Dr Sharma, Dr M ahfooz and other Drs - IBS for a long time, Need a cure 17Dr.Andres, please help me! 2For:Andres 2Dear Dr. Andres 1to : dr. andres 11Andres 1Mr Andres, Pls reply. 1Attn:Dr. Andres 2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

For Andres

Hi again,

I was hoping you could give me your opinion also about my symptoms because i have been taking the ars alb 6c 2x a day for past week and symptoms havent improved or changed at all.

About me: I am 24 (female), very thin (95lbs) a little under 5'4', brunette, brown eyes, fair-medium skin tone. I am very intelligent and clear-minded. I am a college student, very studious and disciplined. Most of my time is spent sitting and reading for hours.

I overanalyze everything i do. i have trouble making decisions because i am always thinking there is a better one out there. Most of my life i have been VERY social...a people person. I love people and parties, etc. Now for past couple years i am not social anymore. I live a lot inside my head and constantly think about all the things that are wrong with me. I am horrible at expressing my feelings and so i never do...consequently i have internalized everything. I have gone to therapy but i often lie about how i feel so it never really helps me. I hate for other people to know im unhappy or think of me in any negative way. I mask all my feelings. I am passionate and compassionate (studying to be a doctor). Currently I have very low self esteem but most of my life my self esteem has been great. I have lost all my confidence and i generally always feel inferior or inadequate.

History/background symptoms:
When i was 19 i suddenly got panic disorder and had panic attacks everyday for a year then it just went away. During that time i was not depressed, but feared dying etc. like most people panicking.

Since i was young i have been allergic to the cold...i get hives when in cold weather especially if windy. As a kid they only came on my face where my skin was exposed and then it went away for 10 or more years then suddenly came back about 5 years ago and has gotten much worse. I don't get them on my face anymore but instead on my legs mostly even though my legs are covered. They come when my body is reheating from cold and can get fairly large and VERY itchy. Then it goes away in about 15 minutes.

I have had on/off problems with ringworm my whole life.

As a baby i was severely allergic to dairy which i mostly grew out of although now im not sure, i think maybe it has started affecting me in a different way. As a baby/young child i would vomit if i came anywhere near dairy.

I hardly ever vomit, or feel the need to. Can't rememeber the last time i did infact...maybe from alcohol a few years ago.

Current symptoms:
Over last year i have lost about 10lbs and become emaciated but with good diet. My stomach however has grown very large...i suddenly have some very flabby belly fat which hangs over my pants, etc. This might sound weird but i feel as though my stomach does not belong on my body. It is very uncomfortable...protrudes, feels heavy and like everything was too relaxed. Eating, even if i don't eat a lot makes me VERY bloated. My stomach feels so tight and stretched that even though i am still hungry i cant eat anymore. It pulls on my back and makes my posture feel awkard, i think it has even changed my posture because no matter what way i stand my stomach feels like it doesnt fit. My stomach first started changing like this 2 summers ago after taking sepia all summer long, but i didnt have the bloating as much. THe rest of me has lost weight. I should say that my stomach never has any pain, i never burp and in fact i have never really burped my whole life. Sometimes i will pass wind but it doesnt seem to help really with the bloating. The only time it really isnt bloated is when i first wake up in the morning, but even so, it has increased in belly fat in general which is weird because before all this it was perfectly flat, and it never got big even from eating a huge meal.

My other biggest problem right now is that i am always producing all this heat in my body... a lot of internal heat. I will just suddenly heat up so quickly, starting in my back and spreadking from there...it is VERY uncomfortable, and has made me start to avoid heat when i usually have loved heat in the past. It will be like flashes of extreme heat all over my body. It happens more with anxiety or when i am uncomfortable about something which is ALOT because i am always uncomfortable about myself and the way i look since im so thin and look very young like a teenager. I am basically always embarrassed, but like i said in the past i was not this way at all. Sometimes i have cold sweats as well. I should say that during this heat i dont usually actually sweat i am just very hot and pulsating with heat. It can get very bad if i am trying to sleep too, or with any type of anxiety. I used to just flush in my face when i was embarrassed but my face doesnt flush anymore, instead my whole body just has this horrible heat, it is so uncomfortable i cant even put into words and happens ALL the time. I also get hot and sweat when talking to people, not alot of sweat, but get clammy.

I have moderate anxiety, but not at all like the panic type of anxiety i had those years ago. THis is more of a constant nervousness. I am becoming more and more depressed because of these symptoms because i feel like they just will never get better. I just desperately want to get back to normal and it is frustrating not being able to.

My stool lately is sometimes irregular.

sometimes at night i have trouble falling asleep...i will be almost asleep and then i have a sensation as if i were startled and my body gets all reved up and i have to try to relax to get to sleep all over again. Every once in a while it can get very bad and i wont be able to sleep all night even though im exhausted and it will make me feel completely crazy and angry. But this is not something that happens often. Like i said my biggest problems are the stomach, the heat thing, and the nervousness.

Also i have slightly oily skin and acne that comes in clusters and affects the right side of my face worse than the left. The pimples are pretty small but take a long time to heal. I get them on my forehead too. Also i have some dandruff. I never had any acne in the past not even as a teenager.

Lately also i noticed the genital area is very itchy and dry, sometimes burning. And my menstrual cycles are normal except lately at the end ill have dark brown dishcharge very thin, for days and days after my period is over, which also can make me itchy.

I dont want to drag this on too long and i think ive said all the important things. OH...i feel better in fresh open air usually. I love wine but don't drink it while taking remedies.

I would really appreciate your opinion. Sometimes i think that if i just stopped thinking about it all my symptoms would just go away. But easier said than done. Other times i feel convinced that i have some nutrient absorption issues because i am not gaining any weight and my stomach is so large and swollen feeling (but again, no real pain, just very uncomfortable). One more thing, sometimes my eyes feel very dry weak and tired, sometimes burning, even when i havent really been using them.

UGGHH so frustrating!!!
  Janey on 2007-03-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Janey:
I'm grateful to you for your trust and confidence.
In my opinion, you have an hormonal problem or , as you prefer- an hormonal imbalance.
May be caused by intaking of SEPIA or may be for another causes.
Hormonal imbalance have many of your symptoms: heat, heat flushes (with sweat many times with odour); nervous and anxiety; imsomnia, menses ...
Related to these you can find another digestive symptoms (bad digestions and constipation, bloating, etc...)
Please, I need to know what potency of SEPIA did you take, why and how long time and frecuency?

Don't take more ARSENICUM ALBUM.
and, please, don't worry. We are working...
Best regards
andres last decade

I have thought for some time it was a hormonal problem but i have been to doctor many times and the only thing he has been willing to test me for is thyroid and my thyroid is perfectly normal. He insisits it is just depression but i wasnt depressed until all of this started happening so i tend to feel the depression is a result not a cause...though i did forget to mention that both depression and anxiety run in my family.

To be quite honest i dont remember exactly why i was taking sepia although i think it may have been becuase i was having really bad abdominal pains that were possibly menstrual related. I also dont know which potency it was but i know it must have been a low potency maybe like a 6c because i was taking it 2x a day for 3 or 4 months...this is what the homeopath prescribed. Wish i could be more help with that one.

My sweat usually does not have any odour...and i dont tend to have very much actual sweat, just heat. However i do sweat sometimes (like when talking to people, etc.) and my whole life i have tended to never sweat at all, so it isnt usual for me.

Also while its fresh in my mind...last night i fell asleep but was awake about 10 minutes later with the horrible heat except it was really bad this time, no sweat just i felt like i was in a 100 degree sauna, and i noticed that also my eyes, nose, throat and skin were very dry. I felt like i was ready to burst with anger, i can not take this torture much longer, but i have no outlet for this anger so it just builds and adds to problem (i am angry only with the situation). I have no tendency to hurt myself or others.

Thank you so much for your willingness to help.
Janey last decade
Dear Janey:
Well, Sepia is indicated to treat homeonal imbalance, specially in women. But usually is employed in high dilutions and no too many dosis. If you were taking sepia during three months, perhaps might occur some kind of aggravation.
Of course, Arsenicum Album is not used to treat these disorders, although is used to treat nervous and digestive problems, and skin too.
I have more questions:
You said you had ringworm, please have you had lately any episode of ringworm?
Or Did it dissapear time ago? after or before intaking sepia?
How do you react with the people (relatives, friends, ...)when you are sad and down?
Best regards
andres last decade
Well i had a little spot of ringworm about 1 week ago...here is the thing about the ring worm though...it will start off as a very faint spot but it never progresses very much, it just sort of dries out (starting in middle) and goes away. It doesnt get scaly or red or itchy or anything like that. I get it mostly just around my underwear line. When i was about 11 or 12 i would always get it on my knee and it would get big and red and scaly and itchy but now like i said it starts to come but doesnt progress very far. Sometimes i probably have it and dont even know.

When i am feeling down (which is most of the time lately) i generally prefer to be alone, and dont tell others how im feeling. If i am with other people i just act like everything is fine. Sometimes though i dont have the energy to even try seeming like im happy so im sure it is obvious to others that im not. Sometimes i get really irritable, but mostly i just dont want to be seen by the world. I sometimes want to get my feelings out but i just wouldnt even know how to start or who to tell.

I wanted to say 2 other things about the sepia...after i was taking it for a while i noticed i was always hungry...no matter how much i ate i was never full. At first i figured this was why my belly was getting so large (and probably was part of it) but then i started losing weight other places like i said before. Another thing is after maybe 1 or 2 months of sepia i would wake up in middle of night really hot and sweating, throw covers off, and get cold like 10 minutes later, then cover back up and fall back asleep and be fine rest of night. But i didnt have any other heat troubles and after i stopped taking the sepia i didnt wake up hot any more. The heat troubles i have now started about 1 year ago and have just gotten worse and worse. I dont know if sepia could be the problem since it was so long ago that i took it but i do know that ever since then, maybe like a month after stopping sepia my health has gone slowly down the tubes.

Also i think the ars maybe has made me worse cause past couple days bloating has been worst ever, and the heat too. And also all day today i was sweating..sometimes hot sweat, sometimes i was very chilly but still sweating. Sweat only under my arms and no odour. I instantly start to sweat and heat up when i start talking too which is very frustrating. I have been very down for few days too.
Janey last decade
One more thing...since taking ars my skin is more oily and kind of crusty in some places like on and around my nose, and acne has gotten worse too like along my jaw line and on sides of chin i have lots of little pimples.
Janey last decade
Dear Janey:
Thank you for all your help: your disposition is a very good thing tho health.
Recapitulating, I think so:
You have had an annoyed effect by intaking SEPIA for these months. I think it's very urgent to antidote. After that, we can begin again with your symptoms.
Then, first of all, take ONLY ONE DOSIS of ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM 6c. Report after two days.
If you have any amelioration, we continue. If you have no amelioration, we need repeat the dosis. But this is the future.
Best wishes and please, don't be down, we are nearer recovering health.
andres last decade
Thanks again for you kind help. I will look for ant tar at the store but i may have to order it. Does it matter when i take it? (morning, night, etc?)

Best, Janey
P.S. if you dont mind my asking, do you live in france?
Janey last decade
Dear Janey:
I live in Spain. :)
You can take when you like, only 30 minutes before or after your lunchs or cleaning teeths.
We are trying to antidote, time dosis is not important.
Best wishes.
andres last decade
One dosis is three pellets under your tongue.
andres last decade
Spain is gorgeous:) I only asked because a good friend of mine who is french has sentence structure much like yours...and also i lived in france for quite some time.

Best, Janey
Janey last decade
Dear Janey:
Really I'm not proud of my english language :(, but if you understood me, it's enough for me ;)
An if the remedy acts as I hope, then I'll feel happy with my english.
Best wishes
andres last decade
I think your english is very good...i did not mean that your english was bad only that there is a general difference in the way the sentence is formed inherent in different languages. You are perfectly clear to understand:)

Also...i could only get 12c, is this ok?
Janey last decade
I think i might have had some aggravation from ars alb also because i am feeling worse than ever past few days...I am always sweating, either very hot, or very cold and clammy, constantly nervous, and deeply depressed, feeling very hopeless. Do you suppose i may also need to antidote ars? I took the ant. tar. (12c, i hope that's ok) and will wait from there, but i just wondered about your opinion if you think the ars is having also a bad effect?

Best, Janey
Janey last decade
Dear Janey:
Well, 6c is better than 12c for antidoting, because we only want to stopt the bad effects of a remedy before. But if you only have got 12c, it's well. Don't worry.
About Arsenicum Album, may be an annoyed effect. Hence, don't take more Ars. Alb. Don't more remedies. Only Ant. Tart. one dosis. If you have taken yet, please, wait.
Please, Janey, don't be down. Everybody are wrong many times, and you only are under the effects of one wrong decission. I repeat, don't worry. If we can control and stop your bad effects, it's very easy begin again to get your whole health, but we need time and your help and trust.
In Spain we use this proverb: Smile and the world will smile with you.
Smile and wait. Report to me every day with your changes and sensations.
Relax and smile
Best wishes
andres last decade
Andres, thank you for the inspiration. I just wondered...since it was so long ago (2 years) that i was taking sepia, will it still be possible to antidote? I have taken several remedies in the 2 years after sepia...they include:
nat mur
aurum met.
coffea (no effect)
phos (only one dose made me MUCH worse)
ars alb.

Also, i took the ant. tar. (12c) yesterday in early evening (about 1 hour before dinner) and i slept very well last night so maybe that is good sign. In couple days if you think i need another dose i will try to find 6c if you think its better.
Janey last decade
Very dear Janey:
Repertorizing all your symptoms (at less those you have told me before), all drive to SEPIA. SEPIA is the simillimum in relation to your symptoms.
What can we deduce?
If you have these symptoms, and you took sepia for three months, and ther symptoms appeared from this moment, then I think inmediatly that you have had some kind of aggravation.
If you write me the name of the remedies (as you have done), I can say to you what kind of symptoms have been treated : nat mur, is used after sepia for treating hoemonal disorders and dryness; iodum for estimulate and modulating the tyrhoid action; aurum met. is used specially to treat depressión and pains; coffea, to fight against insomnia and nervous; phos. is used in nervous characters, in skin problems and in constitutions; ars. alb is used in gastric disorders and in anxiety and nervous, with a lot of desesperation.
Can we antidote SEPIA still? Of course, we can and we are doing.
What about the other remedies you took? they only have supressed or enmascarate the true symptoms. If we antidote SEPIA and revise the symptoms after a while, then we can ir peeling the onion of your ailments.
Don't worry for the potencie. 12c is good. Don't get anyone more. It's enough.
You report every day (please ;) it's a great pleasure read about you) and when your symptoms appear clearer, then we act again.
Smile, please and sleep well.
Best wishes
Andrés :))
andres last decade

Well past couple days i am feeling less angry but more sad and worried about my health.

Also the heat is the worst its ever been. Past 2 days i have been sweating and hot all the time. I sweat under arms and on my back. If start talking to someone, i instantly heat up and sweat. If i feel anxious, i sweat. If im embarassed, i sweat. If im under pressure or in a hurry, i sweat. If i am walking in cold then come inside to warm and heat up, its like i overheat instead, and sweat. Any little type of rise in temp and my body overreacts and warms up too much. If i do anything with just a little exertion i heat up and sweat. It's insane, my reaction to everything is to get really hot and sweat. Also i started menstruating yesterday and i think i have noticed in the past that the heat gets worse around time i start menstruating, but its never been this bad before. Last night i woke up and my whole body was damp, even my head. So frustrating!! And also if its cold but a little damp then i am having cold sweats too. Im not dripping with sweat or anything but it is still very uncomfortable and the worst is the internal heat just pulsating through my body. I will have flashes of heat like in my back and hip area. It's no wonder i lose and dont gain any weight...i probably am burning it all off as heat!
This may or may not be important but also the places i have lost the most weight is my back buttox and hip area and those also are the places i get hot most. My back is VERY thin. I feel like my back is weak, especially lower back. SOmetimes i feel my spine is weak. If i bend backward its like i feel the weakness of my spine and that makes me get hot too!

Anyway, other symptoms i still have...bloating, but past few days bloating has been a little better. And also my stools are not normal, they are a little thinner, softer, and a lot lighter. Also my appetite is sometimes not that good. Skin still a little oily with some small pimples. And of course the big wheals i get on my skin if it is exposed to cold.

What do you think?

Also i wanted to say to you before that it is very comforting knowing that someone out there cares and is interested in trying to help me, so thanks again:)
Best, Janey
Janey last decade
Dear Janey:
All the reactions that you tell me have relation with ANT TART.
I don't hope one dosis of ANT TART can modify your health (in right or wrong direction). Because of this, I ask to you patience. In my opinion ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM is acting, and we need wait till it finishes its action.
You mustn't take more dosis of Ant Tar. nor other. Drink a lot of water and please, wait.
You began the treatment in 21 march, and today is 24. Please, be patient. After your menstruation, we can value all your ameliorations and aggravations (if they persist).
Smile and relax :))
Best regards
andres last decade
Sorry, I forgot to ask:
Are you having this menstruation in the right time? Have you perceived any change (except sweat, of course)?
andres last decade
Yes menstruation is the right time. I don't think these symptoms are due to ant tart. because they are not new symptoms, i was having them all already, just not as bad, and less actual sweat, but still i have had the heat getting worse and worse for a year now. Only change i notice is more sweat and heat getting worse. I will keep waiting.
Best, Janey
Janey last decade

As i pay closer attention to when this heat occurs I really think it is related to nerves, though i still think a hormonal imbalance may be exacerbating the whole thing. But i have a lot of apprehension...about myself and my life and health, and about my studies. I have quite a lot of nervous energy and low level anxiety and i think my body is just producing heat as a way of trying to dissipate all the nervous energy although most of the time i dont even know what im nervous about. If i had to guess i would say i am just nervous about myself, feeling very awkward and no confidence. I am uncomfortable in my own skin though i dont know when or why this happened. I think the reason i sweat more when i am around people is because i become even more aware of myself. It is not actually people that i am afraid of...geez i hope i dont develop some sort of social phobia. Anyway the reason i say all this is because i notice that whenever i have the heat i always first have the same feeling of apprehension/nervousness in my stomach. I think my mind is my enemy in all of this but i just dont know how to turn it off.

I dont know about the weird stools or the weight loss or skin problems, but because of all that i do think there also might be some hormonal problem...i dont think just my mind could cause all those symptoms, though you never know, the mind is a powerful thing.

I havent noticed any new symptoms...I'm feeling more hopeful but really just wish i could make this heat and nervousness and low self esteem go away already. Actually i have been feeling better about myself too but i think sometimes the body just gets 'stuck' in a place where even after the feelings are gone the symptoms have become habit. GRR!

It is hard for me to get rid of this anxiety because for one i always have so much studying which just adds to it, and also one thing that really helps is exercise but now i fear that exercising will make me lose more weight.

Any further advice or shall i keep waiting?
Janey last decade
Dear Janey:
If you don't want phobias, you'll never have them.
Antidoting in homeopathy is a very delicate matter. We can antidote in two ways:
- using the antidote, but this not ever cover all the symptoms of the remedy which was overdosed or bad employed.
- using a very low potency of the same remedy to relieve the symptoms.
We are trying the first way; if we don't get any success, then we try with the second.
Antidote in homeopathy is used in a very low potency in all cases, because we only want to stop the bad action of the other remedy, but we don't want to act in the direction of the remedy. In our case, you got a reasonable high potency (in France 12c to 30 c are high potencies), and because of this, the action may have been stronger than we liked.
But if you perceive some light in your tunnel, it's a very good sign on the remedy effects.
As you say, hormonal imbalance and nervousness are very related, but which was the first? I don't know, but homeopathy treat both of them.
I dislike to delay your dream of health, but antidoting need time: we have to wait the symptoms are the clearest to avoid giving a new false step.

In life we have stages busier than other, and sometime we can put up with them. But I want to tell you a secret: if you don't understand yourself, you'll never understand your patient's feelings and troubles. I'm sure you'll become a good doctor, and you'll be able to understand to your patients and cure them, but you'll spend your time asking for them patience and trust.
I post next the chart with your symptoms and the remedies closest.
Please smile again and be patient. :)
Best regards
andres last decade
Dear Janey:
As you can see, SEPIA covers all the symptoms.

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andres last decade
Dear Andres,

I understand that patience is important...but you told me to post everyday how i am feeling. Should i keep doing so? Also are parts of the chart blacked out for a reason or am i missing some parts?

I'm a little confused...are you saying i should get SEPIA in low potency, or that i should wait to see more action of ANT. TART. then if needed we can try sepia?

Janey last decade
Dear Janey:
Please, post everytime you like. I repeat: It's a great pleasure for me reading about your progress.
Parts in black are file problems, because I have had to reduce the size using Photoshop, and this software has blacked the background.
Please, perhaps I have turned you in a confussion. We need wait. You are feeling the ANT TART effects. If there are no amelioration in a certain time (we are valueing along this week), then we can try with SEPIA. But in this week, in this moment we are in waiting space (waiting too your menstruation end).
best regards
andres last decade

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