The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Bad gums
I am 42 years old, female.After every pregnancy, I have got swollen gums and problems associated with them. Now every couple of months, Iget a gum boil and a pocket of pus is created which drains off by Silicea and kreosotum. But it is recurrent.
Is there any medicine or biochemic salt which can strenghten the gums and prevent boil formation and pus formation
poo_13 on 2007-03-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ deoshlok last decade
How long merc sol 200 should be taken?
poo_13 last decade
Sir, now the whole mouth is swollen and the inner gum of the moving tooth has swollen big and can see pus underneath the skin. on pressing the gum from outside, pus is coming out from the tooth base. There is constant light pain and do not feel like speaking. There is slight pain in inside of left ear
poo_13 last decade
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