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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Asthma, Allergies and a Four-Year-Old

I have just joined this forum and am in need of some advice.

I have a four-year-old son in Colorado who has asthma and allergies to dogs, dust and has labored breathing in the spring during allergy season.

In December, he was hospitalized for pneumonia, that exacerbated his asthma and could not get enough oxygen.

He has had an especially hard time breathing since this episode. He is taking childrens 4mg Singular each night, and has been waking in the night with coughing fits - sometimes it is a dry/hacking cough, sometimes it sounds like a phlegmy cough. He has coughed hard enough to throw up on two occasions.

He is otherwise a happy/active child with a decent appetite and loves to drink water. We have had rain on and off, which could be attributing to his latest bouts of night-time coughing. I feel bad filling his little body full of benedryl, albuterol, pulmicort and singular and am looking for something to help heal - rather than just medicating him.

I have read the thread about Nat Sulph 6c/Causticum 200 - and know nothing of any homeopathic remedies. I am terrified of a hospital relapse and would appreciate some advice.
  Heatherz on 2007-03-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try weekly one dose of Morgan Bach 1m FOR INCREASING THE immunity to the child against asthma/allergies and side by side continue the arsenic alb 30 and Ipecac 30 6 hrly alternate atleast 3-4 days

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade

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