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Oscillococcinum ® - Boiron:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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Hi everybody! I'm a garlic fan and I've found that aged garlic is perhaps the best form for getting all the goodness from garlic against COLD , FLU etc.. WITHOUT BAD BREATH!
Is this true? What about garlic products like Extracts, pills, capsules...?
Kelsey 2 decades ago
I would like to share with you a success story in the use of Influenzinum in Ottawa in a family which comprised 7 persons including the grandmother (78) who was given the 'Flu Shot' by her doctor who recommended that she does not experiment with the Homeopathic equivalent.

It is indeed strange that she got a violent attack of the Flu which she was not able to shed for a whole month and involved being on a long course of antibiotics, while all the other members of the family who took the Influenzinum escaped unscathed in spite of there being a direct source of infection in the household.

I presume that the general paranoia to take the Flu Shot in the US and Canada would have abated by now and hope that at least in the future, the use of Influenzinum and Oscillococinum will replace the proverbial 'flu shot' which at least in one case that I am aware of was not effective.

I am also delighted that the rest of the household took my advice and used the Homeopathic equivalent and escaped catching the Flu in spite of there being a direct source of infection.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Sandra Perko has written a Special Bird Flu edition to her book The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza you might find very helpful on the questions listed in this email stream. Please click on my sender link for the web site address for this book. She has a specific way to help identify the individual symptoms and the corresponding remedies.
Brad Pool
benchmarkpub last decade

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