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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Urticaria

hey folks.
basically i posted on the forum a few months back about my urticaria and got recommended a few remedies. unfortuantely while going to get them we got recommended trying a herbalist first, and this has made no improvement whatsoever. to be totally honest the urticaria has been getting worse instead of better.

i would like to know what course of action i should take now, and what remedies i should try. i desperately need some help we have tryed everything and nothing is working, this really is our last hope at curing it or atleast helping it.

please help me, thank you

p.s some info on me

16 years old
11-12 stone
suffer from chronic urticaria (2years)
no worms etc
  DanielHowie on 2007-05-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hey tendercity.

i just sent you an email. is that the way you want to chat, or were you referring to IM or MSN or the likes?
DanielHowie last decade
Dear DanielHowie,
pls follow the following prescription i.e will give you the complete releif from urticaria.

1. Apis mel 30c three times in a day
2. Nat. Mur 3x 4 tab three times in a day
3. Urtica U Q 10 drops three times in a 1/2 cup of water

continue for 3 month and report me.

dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade

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