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Posts about Hairloss

Constipation,thyroid,hairloss8excessive hairloss1Oily scalp and hairloss9regarding hairloss1An update: re Arnica 30 and my hairloss99Excessive female pattern hairloss11Hairloss1Dear 0antivirus0 help me regarding hairloss1Weakness,General hairloss4PCOD and hairloss1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) & Other types of Hairloss Page 8 of 8

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Hi doc,

I live in US and i think I may not have direct access to homeopathy here.
My situation is that when I was 16, I and people around me noticed that I am losing hair.
I am 32 now and not bald.

From front face view, not many people can comment, but side view and top view shows thin hair and scalp is visible through hair.
again, no bald patch...very thin and less volume so that scalp is seen.

The condition on side and back is okay,
My father , now 60, has still 50 times more hair then me and my mother has thin hair but not like me.

I will start rubbing nails, as you mentioned and will also apply curd with lemon occasionally.

I do notice that I get very often very small boil on my scalp and if i puncture them, I see watery discharge...This has been now going on for years and there is no specific place on scalp, but these boils appear anywhere on head (2-6) at a time.

Could my hairfall be related to these?
what and how do I get medicine in USA?
abhidude last decade
Is it possible to grow head full of hairs by nail rubbing ?
dollysonpari last decade
If the problem is genetic, then what? My age is 24 and i have been losing my hair for the last 8 years. Previously i had very dense and silky shiny hair. But now they all are going. My father is also partially bald. My grandfathers (both maternal and paternal) are bald. So what should I do? Will rubbing of nails, bathing with dettol, application of curd + lime, help me? Or simply i should give up. Because it seems that my problem is hereditary. Please help!
aristocrataks last decade
sir my name is Ravi.
i think due to change in water i suffered from hair fall. By the advise of some doctor i used R89 for 2 months . But it seems that condition of my hair is not so good and hair fall is going on. please suggest me.
Ravi Gupta last decade
Dear Dr.Rajendra,

I have already started gaining the advantages of nail rubbing. Now its 1.5 months since started that practice. But i have one doubt to be clarified. I'm washing my head once in 3 days only being afraid of losing hair. Is it Okay?. Please advice.

aanburaj last decade
I am also going through hair loss. Am seriously considering a hair piece but can't find anywhere suitable for men, most of the websites I have come across are catering for women.
Any tips?
kfleming1 last decade
hello rajender sir!

i started loosing hair 4 years back. in starting i found dry dandruff especially in winter season, but after that the dandruff satrted converting into layers of skin and wid them hairs started falling down. now dandruff remained stick for 24 months and it comes out as flakes with 6 or more hairs with it. i consulted doctors and they told me that it is seborrehic dermatities. now recently i consulted a homopatheic doctor and he gave me following medicines:-
dr reckeweg r 89.
dr reckeweg thuja 1000.
and sanicula a 200.
plz suggest me if these medicines will work? and in how many days i will get relief?
also suggest me the way to recover the hair that i have lost so far.
success_arpit last decade
hello sir, i am 21yrs old female, 2months back i went for low level laser light therapy and from then i lose 100-150strands of hair a day. before this i hardly used to lose even 7-8strands. i went there to make my hair stronger, but the reverse happened. i was fine before only. i have tried everything homeopathy alopathy, but they were of no use. should i shave my scalp?
sara123 last decade
hi rajendra,
I have heard that applying dettol/sevolon on hair,can turn black hair into white. Is that true?
waiting for your response.

singhvikas last decade
Hi Rajendra
I live in the US. Ever since my young age I have had dandruff. Around 5 years back, my hair started to fall a lot. I consulted a doc and he did some blood tests, gave some supplements, along with coal tar shampoo and finasteride. The dandruff stopped, the hair came back. After 2 years, I stopped taking those medicines and hair didn't fall much, until two years back, ever since I came to the US, there has been increasing dandruff activity. For the last six months, the hair fall has increased and dandruff is more. I am afraid to wash my hair coz of hairfall. Atleast 50 to 100 hair is falling everyday, when I even touch the scalp. Eventhough some forums, this is normal count, I suspect its not. I am losing hair a lot on my crown and my scalp with dandruff. I have been using normal anti-dandruff shampoo, which didn't help much. I have been rubbing finger nails for nearly 3-4 months now, although not regularly, ever since I heard about this technique. Can servere dandruff cause hairloss? I am about to try that coal tar shampoo again but I dont want to take finasteride anymore coz of fear of side effects. Please help me on what should I do. pleaseeee..
misc_2808 last decade
For dandruff. I have used over-the-counter anti-dandruff with terrible burning sensation and the scalp turns red and irritated. Probably due the hash and toxic chemicals - many of these schampoos has a warning that pregnant womena should not use it and it tells it toxic for all other humans too. I am using very mild baby shampoo and rubb some teaspoons home made green tea extract as lotion on the scalp (boil 2 dl water and put a tea bag green tea to soak for 20 minutes). The my itching and burning is gone. And then I take 1 teaspon Arnica montana in wet dose I feel scalp 'cooling down'. A common cause it a chronic oversensitivity to fungus which is normally live on the skin and for some people the react with itching and inflammation when is this fungus becomes too many. I understand that the green tea stops the skin cells oversensitivity for the fungus - anti-dandruff shampoos kills the fungus and is not focused the main cause. Its works for me.
troja last decade
Hi Rajendra Sir
i am 25 and from Pakistan i read ur previous messages about Androgenitic Alopecia (MPB) and i started the technique of Nail Rubbing from yesterday becoz i am also suffering this problem. Sir i have a question plz let me know is there any treatment of growing hair from the juice of garlic and onion ??? I listen this from my Homeo consultant that use garlic/onion juice and apply this on ur scalp bald areas so i want to confirm it from u that may i try this ??
sammjk last decade
Hello Dr.I am 22 year old male suffering from hair fall for 3-4 months and my sides have become completely bald.and I am still loosing my hair drastically.for treatment I'd taken biotin,b complex capsules bicosules.and I also applied minoxidil 2% solution on my bald sides and scalp having thick hair but everything goes in vain.I am not sure whether it is male pattern baldness or something else but none of my family member has bald head.and doctor prior to hair fall.i had terrific acne on my chick and forehead and in order to cure them I'd taken accutane,doxycycline,azithramycin,flukozone,amoxilin.and I also used homeopethic sulphur having 30 potency.and my pimples lasted for around 1 year.but now doctor I m suffering from hair fall.so doctor plz suggest me any medicine which stop further hair fall and can regrow hair on my bald sides.plz doctor help me.I've also attached my head pic to analyse the symptoms. Plz doctor help me.
[message edited by rahul48 on Fri, 11 Jul 2014 12:31:07 BST]
[message edited by rahul48 on Fri, 11 Jul 2014 12:33:20 BST]

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rahul48 last decade
Posts by Rahu are duplicated.

Already being given advice-Rahu all
problems go on one thread with one doctor.
simone717 last decade
ok i got it.
rahul48 last decade
the key is to give more time to nail rubbing, i give it 1 hour a day, divided in 20-20-20 cycle in morning--afternoon-evening, this will surely give you result in short time
nishu3389 last decade
Dear doctor,
i m 25 year male
suffring from (mpb) since 4 year
i have lost my 80% of hair,
can i regrow my hair by r89 homeo medicine and with nail rubbing technic
plz reply sir
ayushjames 9 years ago

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