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Cure of brown and black spots of skin 1Brown spots on face & dry skin 1


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brown spots on skin

Hello. I have brown spots on my skin (face) that are NOT due to sun or age. They are mostly on my forehead and lower cheeks and around my mouth. It starts with a VERY itchy hive or blister, turns into a red, dry patch of skin and then ends up as a brown patch of skin that is a little indented and takes VERY long to fade.

I am thinking that it is some kind of yeast infection (but I do NOT have any other symptoms of a yeast infection -- dandruff, vaginal yeast, etc.). If it is a yeast infection, then it is only showing up on my facial skin. Maybe it is seborrheic dermatitis or perioral dermatitis? I'm at a loss.

Any ideas? And any ideas for a possible treatment?

Many, many thanks.
  whatamess on 2007-07-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you have any stool probhlem?
Rajendra last decade
I'm not sure. Although I am always amazed when I hear that some people go every day. Sometimes, I don't go for 2-3 days. Is that a stool problem? What could it mean? Could it be connected to my skin problem?
whatamess last decade
One more detail that may be helpful: my skin around my laugh line (that runs from nose to mouth) has been brownish for some time now so that I have a brown streak of skin running along that line. I have a very defined line there (nose to mouth) that does not go away when I am not laughing and that most people my age don't have.
whatamess last decade
Dear Patient,
Could you please provide the following information for selection of proper medicine?
Patient ID: Sex: Age: Nature of work: Habits:

Describe your main suffering and from how long?
Exact location?
Any cause which you feel for this ailment?
What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
When did it all start?
What are the things which aggravate or ameliorate your suffering?
When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
How is your bowel movement and stool type (Constipation etc.)?
How sleep, how are your dreams?
Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings?
What medications have been taken earlier?
How do you look like (Appearance (fat, thin, smart, tall, lean etc)?
If your are female how is your menstrual cycles and from how long (normal, irregular, painful, clotted, colour etc.)
Family history - What major diseases are running in your family?
Any other information?

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
This is your answer on stools:

'Although I am always amazed when I hear that some people go every day. Sometimes, I don't go for 2-3 days. Is that a stool problem? What could it mean? Could it be connected to my skin problem?'

Any itching around your Anus?

Are you Veg. or Non-veg.

Do you eat pork?'

Rajendra last decade
Any itching around your Anus? -- rarely.

Are you Veg. or Non-veg. -- non-veg, but only eat meat when I have a craving (once every 2 weeks at most)

Do you eat pork? -- yes, but not often.

I have spent quite some time in 'third world' countries where I was not always sure what I was eating.
whatamess last decade

To start with take the following:-

Nux Vom 30C (4 pills) three times a day

Cina 30C (4 Pills three times a day.

Both can be taken together with 5 minutes interval.

Report after a week.
Rajendra last decade
I have been taking what you suggested (Nux Vom and Cina). Results: Little to not changes in the brown spots (which I now know are eczema), but I fall asleep right away at night (never did in the past) and have been more regular regarding bowel movements. It's fabulous!

Since I was so frustrated with my brown spots on my face, I went to the store and bought (1) Rhus Toxicodendron (for eczema and because it said people who need this crave cold milk) and (2) Antimonium Crudum (for eczema and because it said that people who need this crave sour foods). I haven't taken those 2 remedies yet because I read through this forum and people are given arnica, sulfur and petroleum for ezcema. What is the difference between all the remedies?

The skin on my face has fewer brown spots, but it still breaks out with dry, red patches of skin, which then turn into brown wrinckled spots. My skin does not seem to be able to retain moisture (a typical symptom of ezcema). My skin on my face is very dry and is leather-like. The dry patches are not flaky but instead are brown and wrickled. My face constantly looks like it has a sunburn even though I have not been in the sun in 6 months!

When I lie on one side of my face on a pillow, the marks from the pillow take hours to disappear. My skin looks best when it is wet, but once I dry it with a towel it looks terrible again.

I will answer all the questions listed above in my next post. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
whatamess last decade
Patient ID: Sara
Sex: F
Nature of work: Law
Habits: Fun and energetic for short periods of time. Get exhausted quickly. Like to socialize, but need a lot of time alone to myself. Sometimes distant personality, but get very emotional about certain people and problems. Get frustrated easily. Get very attached to a small number of people.

Describe your main suffering and from how long? Eczema on face (and a little on arms). Skin is dry, discolored, leather-like. Eczema start with a red (not flaky) patch of skin, which them turns into a spot/pimple, then turns into a brown patch of skin which is leater-like and wrinckled. Not crusty or wet eczema. I am sensitive to products with acids and alcohols, preservatives, etc.

Exact location? Face (and a little on arms)

Any cause which you feel for this ailment? Allergies (hayfever, detergents, preservatives, etc.), emotional stress, facial creams with alcohol, preservatives.

What other physical sufferings do you have in your body? allergies (red eyes), back pain and shooting pains in head, poor circulation (hands and feet), difficult for eyes to focus in brightlight.

What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings? Emotional stress, professional stress.

When did it all start? 2 years ago, but got much worse in the past 6 months.

What are the things which aggravate or ameliorate your suffering? Aggravate: allergies, detergents, soap, alcohol, stress. Ameliorate: water.

When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather? Feel better in dry weather and after rain. Do not tolerate air conditioned rooms (cannot keep warm). Do not tolerate sweating (feel worse when sweating). Feel better at night. Cannot tolerate looking straight into daylight (hurts my eyes, daylight makes me want to close my eyes and sleep)

What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions? Crave sour foods, salt and cold sweetened milk. Do not like warm foods (I wait for soup, hot teas and warm foods to cool down to room temperature.) Especially do not like warm milk. I never crave alcohol.

How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? Normal, but I force myself to drink a lot of water. I drink only water. I pee is out very quickly.

How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? Normal. I eat small meals throughout the day. Get very hungry quickly, but then cannot eat very much at once.

How is your bowel movement and stool type (Constipation etc.)? Constipation (better since taking Nux)

How sleep, how are your dreams? Used to take a long time to fall asleep (better since taking Cina). Restless sleep the rest of the night. Turn around in bed a lot. Drowsy when I wake up, even after 8 hours of sleep. Can easily sleep 9-10 hours.

Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? Poor tolerance of stress. skin diseases.

What medications have been taken earlier? Nux, Cina. Probiotics and enzymes (for digestion), vitamins (E, A, C, etc.), antibiotics.

How do you look like (Appearance (fat, thin, smart, tall, lean etc)? Thin and tall.

If your are female how is your menstrual cycles and from how long (normal, irregular, painful, clotted, colour etc.) Regular but painful.

Family history - What major diseases are running in your family? Eczema (mother on hands only), hayfever (father), poor digestion (everyone), stroke (grandmother), intestinal cancer (grandfather).

Any other information?
whatamess last decade
Forgot to give age.
Age: early 30s
whatamess last decade
It's too bad one cannot edit posts. So, here I go adding another post!!

I thought of more info that may be important.

1. I have almost all the symptoms of hypothyroidism except for (1) weight gain (but if i gain weight I gain it on the lower part of my face) and (2) Slow growing nails. Could the eczema be due to hypothyroidism?

Symptoms of hypothyroidism:

Fatigue or lack of energy
Weight gain
Feeling cold
Dry skin and hair
Heavy menstrual periods
Slowed thinking
Delayed wound healing.
Yellowish hue to the skin
slow growing nails.

2. I also have excessive body hair for a woman (thank goodness my hair is mostly blond). I have hair loss on my head, but excessive hair growth on the rest of my body. So, could the eczema be due to adrenal gland?
whatamess last decade
Are you Diabetic?

In the meantime please take Natrum Muir 30 (4 Pills three times a day)
Rajendra last decade
For Excessive Hair :-

But take after 3 days of Natrum Muir.

Thuja 1M one dose once in a month . No other medicine on this day.

Oleum Jac. 30 in SUmmer and 3X in Winter (4 pills three times a day)
Rajendra last decade
Have you got your Thyroid test conducted?
If not you may do so.
Rajendra last decade
Diabetic - No, or at least have not been diagnosed. But there is a close connection between adrenal and thyroid disease and sensitivity to insulin. I like sugar, but feel terrible after eating anything with high sugar content, and seem to have all the characteristics of someone who is diabetic (except for weight problem).

Thyroid - You are right, I should get it checked.

So in the meantime, I should take Natrum Muir? What about all the eczema remedies? Should I hold off on them? Or are there some I can take?

whatamess last decade
One more question. I read that Natrum Muir is for people who are retaining too much salt. However, for adrenal and hypothyroidism, the problem is not enough salt retention (therefore dehydration) and too much potassium retention. Am I reading the Natrum Muir wrong? I'm afraid that if I take something for people who can't retain salt, I am going to feel ever worse. Any ideas? Thanks!
whatamess last decade
Handbook of Biochemic - Published by a Doctor in Germany:-

'Natrum Muir' is Water distribution system controller.

If you are over sweating or under sweating it is a remedy.

First try Natrum Muir for some time.

Other remedies after your Thyroid test.
Rajendra last decade
Thank you, Rajendra.

Will do so.
whatamess last decade
how are you?
Rajendra last decade
My skin has become more moist, but I still have a dirty-looking face. Brown spots a little bit everywhere. I haven't been in the sun, yet my skin has hyperpigmentation. When I get a cut, the scar always becomes brown, and stays that way for a LONG time. I was reading about sulfur, and it sounds like it may help (even though it says it's for 'dirty' people. My skin only looks dirty, but it really isn't.) Can I take sulfur with Natrum Muir?
whatamess last decade
I'm trying to work my way through this ... but I need expert opinion.

Update: My skin is still dry and covered in brown spots. I have stopped ALL creams except for pure liquid aloe vera on my face because every cream I've tried (over 20 creams) irritates my skin. Since I have stopped the creams, my skin does not look red anymore, but it has become even more dry, cracked, rubbery-looking and discolored/hyperpigmented. My skin looks greyish and yellowish ... very strange texture (like rubber).

I am allergic to latex and suspect that I am allergic to many ingredients in natural-based creams. Recently, I put some cream that had avocado in it, and it burned my skin and gave me dry ezcema. It took 2 weeks to heal.

Everytime my skin gets irritated, it leaves brown spots. The brown spots are on areas of my skin that are extremely dry and it seems like the blood that rushes to the wound gets trapped and then leaves an unsightly brown and dry patch. There is NOTHING I can do to hydrate that patch of skin.

I am currently taking Nat Mur. It has no ill-effect and fits my personality (especially with regard to seeking out balance). BUT it has NOT resolved my skin problems.

I drink more than enough water. I also eat enough fiber (and rarely if ever eat junk food).

Thanks to Rajendra's recommendations, I no longer crave salt, sweet or sour foods. But I am still constipated and my stool always floats (I recently read that floating stool was bad!) I'm not sure if it's connected to my skin problems.

My main concern is my dry, VERY cracked, rubbery-looking skin on my face, especially around my lower cheeks. I have blackheads on my nose and upper cheeks, but they are the least of my concerns right now.

Any more advice?

whatamess last decade
what about petroleum this mail is for doctors and not for patient j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
Kindly get your stool examined?

Are you Non-veg?

Where you live?

How is the water there?

Looks some water born disease effecting entestines.
Rajendra last decade
Thanks for your reply.

That's quite possible. I suspect that my floating stool problem is due to malabsorbtion because my entire family has trouble digesting food and absorbing nutrients... something to do with the gallbladder and also an enzyme deficiency. But then, no one in my family has this severe skin problems (we all have eczema and allergies, but mine seem to hit me VERY hard, or maybe I'm facing a whole different problem as you suggested).

I eat meat on occasion. In general, my diet is very balanced.
I live in the U.S.
The water seems fine. I try to drink spring water bought from the supermarket, but often I just drink tap water.
whatamess last decade
I have come across cases where Non-Veg people are having worms. The type of problem that you are having are relating to entestinal disorder. Many poblems because of one reason.

Pl. get your stool tested. If in one go the results are clear pl. repeat it atleast upto 3 times.
Rajendra last decade

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