The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Itchy legs
I've had problems with my legs for the past 6/7 years and nothing had seemed to help. I first went to the doctors who thought it might be a form of eczema and gave me some white watery liquid to apply every day, which didn't help. I've tried other remedies for eczema which also havent helped.I have no rash, raised lumps or any dry skin. They just itch all the time, and I scratch them until they're bleeding. It seems worse of a night, but its all the time. And I've never had it on any other part of my body, although it went from just the calves of my legs right up to the tops of my thighs.
I've recently been to a dermatologist who gave me Fexofenadine Hydrocholoride 180mg, which I take once a day. These seem to help slightly, but as soon as i stop taking them, it seems to go worse.
No-one seems to know what it is or whats causing it, and even the dermatologist didn't seem to have a clue either.
Can anyone recommend anything that I can try?
joannef on 2007-08-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
you can try (Sulphur 30c) one dose daily up to 5 days only then stop and wait for 1 week any change cantact me please .
Good Luck
you can try (Sulphur 30c) one dose daily up to 5 days only then stop and wait for 1 week any change cantact me please .
Good Luck
faisal qureshi last decade
447(A C)
'worse of a night, but its all the time'
Do you have any gastric or worms problem?
Any other stool related problem?
'worse of a night, but its all the time'
Do you have any gastric or worms problem?
Any other stool related problem?
Rajendra last decade
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
As far as I know I don't have any problem like you mentioned. Other than the itching I am in general good health.
The Determatologist I saw said it could be something called Dermoto something, but I cant remember the full name of it, and I havent been able to find it on the internet.
The only thing I have managed to find is a forum with people complaining of the same thing, but no-one seems to know what it is or how to stop it.
I can't post the forum address, but if anyone is interested in looking at it, I will be able to email it.
The symptoms that people have described are exactly the same as mine.
Any help would be much appreciated, and I will also see into taking sulphur.
Thank you.
The Determatologist I saw said it could be something called Dermoto something, but I cant remember the full name of it, and I havent been able to find it on the internet.
The only thing I have managed to find is a forum with people complaining of the same thing, but no-one seems to know what it is or how to stop it.
I can't post the forum address, but if anyone is interested in looking at it, I will be able to email it.
The symptoms that people have described are exactly the same as mine.
Any help would be much appreciated, and I will also see into taking sulphur.
Thank you.
joannef last decade
''Other than the itching I am in general good health.''
Sulphur is good.If Sulphur works, it is fine, otherwise I will suggest later.
Sulphur is good.If Sulphur works, it is fine, otherwise I will suggest later.
Rajendra last decade
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