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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sinus Problems

Hope there is someone out there who might be able to help me. I am a sufferer of sinusitis and my symptoms are:
1. Terrible pressure in forehead and top of nose.
2. Tight feeling round the head like a band being pulled tightly.
3. Constant tiredness.
I have taken antibiotics many times in the past but wish to find an alternative remedy. I can cope with the pain in the nose but find the tightness in the head extremely debilertating.
  chikardee on 2007-08-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls try Kali Bichrom 6c twice ina day for a week and report me.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
if the cough is greenish yellow and there is a pungent smell in the phlegm,
i would suggest MERC SOL 200C every 4 hours till symptoms persist.

otherwise, please take GELSIMIUM 30C every 2 to 3 hours whenever you have the band feeling in your head.

a good solution is to start taking RECKEWEG R 49 as suggested during acute times. on continuing it for some days, whenever you have the pains, your sinus intensity would reduce and eventually you may get cured.
rishimba last decade
I do not have a cough
chikardee last decade
Dear Doctor Rishimba

R 49 contains the following


Active ingredients:
Arsenicum album (Arsenous oxide) 12X, Calcarea carbonica (Calcium carbonate) 30X, Kali bichromicum (Potassium dichromate) 12X, Mercurius solubilis (Hahnemann's soluble mercury) 30X, Mercurius sulphuratus ruber (Red mercuric sulfide) 12X, Pulsatilla (Wind flower) 12X, Sepia (Cuttlefish ink) 12X, Sulphur (Sublimated sulfur) 30X.

Are you sure that this combination is not going to suppress?

I am surprised that you too suggest these combinations.

gavinimurthy last decade
low potencies dont suppress.

many have got relief during acute times with these combinations.

i am yet to see a patient who came back to me with some deeper ailment after using these combinations.

this is not the first time i am prescribing reckeweg combinations in the forum. i have been doing it for years. its a good supporting method, i feel.
rishimba last decade
I am not convinced with the oft repeated claims of relief without suppression by using these combination remedies.

In my view, these combinations are a direct result of allopathic thinking with homeopathic medicines.

The homeopathic philosophy is entirely against these concoctions, as the basic fundamentals are flouted.

I prefer the patients to get relief through allopathic pain killers, if the pain is unbearable, rather than these unproved medicines.

Atleast we know what are the side effects of the allopathic medicines and how to tackle them in case the need arises.

There are no known methods to counter the reactions that may happen due to these combinations.

With a single medicine therapy, you have a list of antidotes to fall back in case required.

With these combinations, it is a big question mark.

gavinimurthy last decade
i have never tried to convince you or anybody on the results of reckeweg combinations.

my thoughts and conclusions are based entirely on the results i get during my practice.

everyone has the right to put down his thoughts in this forum. you are most welcome to propagate your learnings.

let the patient decide on his own whats good for him.
rishimba last decade
Thanks Rishimba for letting me know your views regarding the combinations.

We are conditioned by our experiences, and as you rightly say, let the patient decide what is best for him, after listening to both sides.

gavinimurthy last decade

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