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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nerve problem

One of my friend for whom I have created a post here under the name 'Lumbar canal stenosis'(http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/116400/) has now been diagnosed as having CIDP(chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy) (It is a rare disorder of the peripheral nerves characterized by gradually increasing weakness of the legs and, to a lesser extent, the arms. It is caused by damage to the covering of the nerves, called myelin. It can start at any age and in both genders. Weakness occurs over two or more months).

For information I am giving below the details of his ailment given in the other said post.

'One of my friends has got the below mentioned problem.

on 29.01.2000 C.T scan:
-Central disc herniation at L4-L5 and L5-S1
-Narrowing of lumbar canal L2 to L5
-Compression of subarachnoid space at L4-L5 and L5-S1 and nerve roots on both sides

on 09.07.2007 C.T scan
-evidence of L4-L5, L5-S1 disc degeneration
-Lumbar stenosis at L3

He is 52 years old, fair looking.
Nature of job-owning automobile spare parts shop.

The main problem now is pain in calf muscle (pulling like) while walking, tired feeling, weakness in legs and gait. He is unable to walk for long distance nowadays.
No neck pain or shoulder pain or head ache. But he gets pain in buttocks and lower back when he walks.
Walk slightly bent sideways.
Suffered due to low BP a month ago.
Vertigo on raising suddenly.

Used to taken medicines as and when he gets pain in the lower back.

Family history: Father had sugar and Glaucoma. Mother is suffering from osteoporosis and is bedridden for morethan a decade. His immediate elder brother has similar back bone problem.

Cravings-like chilly and salty.

Very calm, soft and polite type. When talking about an incident, for example, he explains each and every detail. Sleeps late in the night and wakes up early morning. Indecisive sometimes and takes much time than others. No sugar, No BP.'

He has lumbar canal stenosis. But, surgery has not been suggested as of now due to CIDP. He is now under steroid treatment. This is necessary for regaining his normal walking ability.

I would like to have him homeo medicines to get rid of CIDP. I would welcome any suggestions and thanks in advance.
  muruganrsa on 2007-09-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes its me again here i suggest you 1 remedy did you try or no if try what is up date any change worse or better.

faisal qureshi last decade
yes, he tried phosphorus. But, no change in his condition. Because the condition required immediate attention, he consulted the specialist and was advised to go for spine surgery. But, during pre-surgical examination he was diagonsed as having CIDP apart from the spinal canal stenosis. But, the effect of spinal canal stenosis could not be ascertained due to CIDP. It has to be treated on priority first. Then the doctors said, they will look into the spinal problem.
muruganrsa last decade
Have a discuss with neuro surgon about future if beneficial then go head don't delay but depand on your friend how is coping how old is your friend? very risky surgery still you can think about it you can come back to forum any time
Good luck.
faisal qureshi last decade

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