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Causticum: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Left Vocal Cord Paresis- Causticum

Can Causticum be taken for LEFT Vocal cord paresis after having taken Carbo vegetabilis to nullify the effect of PHOSPHORUS? Can it cause any side effects (because of Phosphorus taken earlier) even though Causticum is taken after 2-3 days of Carbo Vegetabilis 200? I have started having numbness and stiffness at night in my right hand fingers after taking Causticum. I am a diabetic patient and had Thyroid gland surgery quite a many years back. I am also allergic to Disprin.
  Prags on 2007-10-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

i saw you had no answers and i just posted a question on causticum as well.i also have the left vocal cord paralysed and noone would help so i tried causticum as well for three full weeks on a daily basis. now i find that i might have taken it way too long....i do know that causticum can cause a problem if you are diabetic....i found that online..so better to consult a doctor on the matter and be careful with it in your case1 good luck! i hope things improve for you!
backtoindia last decade

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