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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Itchy eczema on outer arms/elbows...please help

Hello out there.

I am a 27 year old male. By almost all accounts I am in perfect health. I excercise regularly, eat well, and try to keep stress to a minimum (though I am a graduate student). I have no history of allergies and no family history. Around 4 years ago I began noticing small bumps on my fore-arms during the winter months. They would dry out and flake up in small (1-2cm diameter) circular pattern and were very itchy. Whenever they emerged I treated them with a natural fluorosone cream from the local food co-op, which made the itching and rash disapear.

I spent the last year in Hawaii, and was in the sun fairly regularly. I had absolutely no skin problems at all. Although now that I am back to a temperate climate, my skin has become exponentially worse. I have large patches of eczema on either side of the outside of my elbows, and a small patch on my upper chest. The breakouts first appear as small itchy bumps which gradually turn into a more organized rash. This becomes rougher, scaley and flakey and after a couple of weeks appears as large circular patches which are white in the middle (as if the pigment has been removed), and are rimmed by the rash (sort of like ringworm). I saw a dermatologist for the first time this summer. By the time I got to see him, my current outbreak had all but disappeared, but he prescribed me a steroid cream, which really took care of the remaining symptoms.

Since that time my skin has continued to break out. I made a conciencious decision not to use the steroids again and have been trying to treat it with the natural cream and or moisturizing lotion. I must say that it felt completely unnatural for me to be smearing cream all over something that feels just like a poison ivy rash. My natural instinct would be to let it dry out and run its coarse from there.... So that is exactly what I have decided to try. The rash has progressively worsened, is very dry/itchy and has spread from below my elbows to just below my shoulders on the outside of both arms. I also have a small spot on my upper chest. Wondering if anyone can tell me if they think this is a good idea, could add an suggestions of homeopathic remedies, or could let me know if a strategy like this has been successful for them.

I appreciate your responses and thank you very much for the help
  vinhos on 2004-11-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
To quote Prof. J.H.Allen “ The true homeopath recognizes all diseases, whether upon the skin or not, as first a disturbance of the Life Force, or the internal dynamis, That the symptoms that manifest on the skin are simply a reflection or external expression of internal change, and that the economy is usually relieved by such an expression. “
“ Eczema is always of constitutional origin, and the patient as well as the physician , should be pleased to know that the Life Force has divorced it from the interior and thrown it out as an eruption on the skin .” “No one can tell how many lives are saved by the disease coming to the surface , preserving the vital organs . Therefore all ointments and medication of any kind are to be discarded.”
Sulphur is possible - if hot feet in bed , untidy, early am stool , quick temper , up and over in a flash.
passkey 2 decades ago

Although I'm curious as to why my symptoms are so dramatically controlled by my environment. As I mentioned, the warm weather and humidity of the tropics proved to be very beneficial for my skin...at least on a superficial level. Even in the past week I have noted how the change in weather greatly influences the severety of this outbreak (warm/humid is better for my skin).

I certainly do not want to suppress these symptoms any more than I already have. Would "treating" my skin with warm weather and ample humidity be akin to medicating it? Should I encourage a dry/cold environment which would exacerbate the symptoms? So as to "divorce them from the interior?"

Your thoughts?
vinhos 2 decades ago

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