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Premature Ejaculation



Posts about Premature Ejaculation

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

J.K Mohla please advice, (Premature ejaculation, Poor memory, anxiety, stage fright, excessive sweating of palm & feats.)

J.K Mohla,

You had advised my to take acid phos 30, eight tablets 3 times a day for one week.

I would like to know if I should avoid eating spicy food, soft drink, coffee and tea while taking this medication.
Any precautions, should I stop taking multi-vitamin for one week while taking acid phos?
Should I be on a specific diet? avoid sweet, No meat or seafood? avoid mint toothpaste?

Should I stop sexual activity while taking this medication?

I have orderd Kali phos 6c for memory loss. Can I try this with acid phos 30? Or should I wait and try it after a week?

I will start taking this medication right after the Ramadan. I will let you know the results.

Aamir Shah
I have been married for over 10 years. I have premature ejaculation since my teen years and it has gotten worse now, sometime ejaculation before sex. Erection is Ok first time but penis takes long to get hard when I try to have sex again...Erection is not strong compare to first time.
I started masturbating when I was only 12 years old, and continued it until early 20s. When I was younger (18-20) I noticed clear watering discharge from penis when I touch or kiss a girl and this clear discharge went down all the way to my legs. There is no more clear discharge but I am still having problem with premature ejaculation. Can someone please help me.

1. Age: 35
2. Sex: Male
3. Weight: 200lb. I am probably 20 pounds over weight. My doctor said I should be around 180
4. Height: 5' 10'
5. country: USA
6. climate: Warm/Hot during summer.
7. current complain-from how many days: Since early teen years
8. current medicine you are taking: None

9. sign & Symptom of disease:
* premature ejaculation (during the ejaculation very little liquid/sperm come out)
* Once ejaculated it take longer to get hard again.
* small penis with very abnormally small testicles.
* Very less pleasure after finishing.
* Frequent urination problem, usually in the night but sometime during the day also.
* Very Poor memory (can't remember people names), Constant fatigue, tension, Mentally tiredness, anxiety, stage fright, excessive sweating of palm & feats.

(Two Years ago, I had high blood pressure and I was taking a medication for it but I am not taking it anymore. I do have high LDL cholesterol and I am suppose to be on low fat diet.)

10. Background: Pakistan living in USA
11. family back ground: Both parents are heart patient, diabetes in family.
12. qualification of patient: College Graduate.
13. Nature of working: IT Hardware, designing, reporting.
14. desire and aversion of food: My digestion is good. I eat healthy food (Meat and Vegetables). I like all food (Desi Food, seafood, Italian, Persian, Arabic, Turkish, greek). My favorite is Pakistani food, lentil and Rice ) with Achar.I eat moderately spicy (indian/pakistani) food.

15. Mind-behavior & Aggravation & Ameliration:
* Normally I am thinking about job security and other financial affairs.
* I almost rarely aggravate, I am patient and do not like to get into arguments.
* I like to talk but sometime get nervous among large group of people
* Stage fright, anxiety, when doing presentation in front of live audience.
* Excessive sweating of palms and feats (even when I am not doing any presentation or public speaking), Get nervous during interviews
* I am worried about shaking hands with anyone due to excessive sweating in plams.
* I don’t get nervous over the phone, I am able to conduct meeting and conference call over the phone.
* Sometime martial problems….wife doesn’t listen which causes stress. (Sometime I feel I married the wrong person).
* Constantly worrying about my & my children health and future.

16. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? Less-Normal (I drink according to need when I feel thirsty it depends really on weather)
17. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? Normal
18. How is your bowel movement and stool type (Constipation etc.)? Normal bowl movement, no constipation, sometime gas problem.
19. How sleep, how are your dreams? : I sleep good, 7-8 hours in the night, sometime dreams but usually don’t remember my dreams.I don’t like getting up early in the morning

20. My Habits:
* Mood is pleasant, I don’t get anger quickly. Sometime I get upset if someone said something stupid to me.
* I don’t exercise regularly but I love to swim and jog.
* I am sometime lazy and procrastinate things. I finish my task at the last moment. I have tried to take some self-hypnosis tapes but I didn’t work.
  Aamir_Shah on 2007-10-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl take acid phos 30c thrice 15 days and report no tea coffee half an hour of medicine no spicy food no alcohoal no multivitamin after 15 days lycopodium 1m and then report j k mohla and no kali phos
akshaymohl last decade
Should I only take One dose of lycopodium 1m?
Any preferred time? Early in the morning, before breakfast or at bed time.
Aamir_Shah last decade
I just want to make sure I am taking the correct dosage. Could you please confirm the size of the Granules for both Acid Phos 30C and lycopodium 1m I should be taking.

Granules size 0ptions for lycopodium 1m

2dm Granules
4dm Granules
1oz Granules

Granules size 0ptions for Acid Phos 30C

2dm Granules
4dm Granules
1oz Granules
2oz Granules
4oz Granules
Aamir_Shah last decade
if globules are small pl take 8 globules otherwise for big size it is 4 globules you will take one dose of lycopodium 1m which is to be repeated aftevery week for threeweeker
akshaymohl last decade
Did you mean one dose of lycopodium 1M (8 globules) once a week for 3 weeks.
Aamir_Shah last decade
yes but give a gap of one week after every dose pl
akshaymohl last decade
These Medicine were delivered today.

Should I take the Lycopodium 1M now or wait until I am done with Acid Phos 30C.
Aamir_Shah last decade
pl do as prescribed earlier j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
j k mohla,

I have taken Acid Phos 30C thrice daily for 2 weeks now but I haven't seen any improvement in premature ejaculation. Should I start taking one dose of lycopodium 1m each week (for 3 weeks)?
Aamir_Shah last decade
yes you can j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
JK Mohla,

No improvement, I am stilling coming with in 1 minutes. Any other suggestions?
Aamir_Shah last decade
JK Mohla,

Should I continue taking Acid Phos 30C thrice daily?

I was out of town for around 2 months (away from my wife). While I was taking these medicine I didn't get any wet-dream and I didn’t feel the urge to have sex. Now I am back in town (back with wife) but my condition hasn't change.

Someone suggested that I take Aconite 200 daily for 3 weeks but I don't take anything without consulting with you.
Aamir_Shah last decade
china 200c one dose daily for 7 days j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
What are the dosage for China 200c? 8 globules per day?
Aamir_Shah last decade
yes j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
No improvement, I am stilling coming with in 1 minutes; however, It is taking less time getting harder in second round.
ED is still there but not that bad. I can perform in second round.
Aamir_Shah last decade
I am not looking to get my penis larger but I do want my balls to get big. They are very small, it seems like they are smaller then average, 1/10 the size of golf ball.
Aamir_Shah last decade

unlike others, I am happy with my penis size but I am concerned about the size of my testicle.
My testicle are very small, they are 1/10 of the size of GolfBall.

Picture for the reference, my testicles looks like the one on the right.

PE is ruining my life, it's affecting my confidence. I used to be very bold and energetic, never nervous meeting new people or making new friends. But now I am alway nervous around people, in meeting, public speaking.

Could some please suggest a proper remedy to have normal size testicles and resolve PE problem?
Aamir_Shah last decade
Aamir_Shah last decade
selenium 200c twice daily for 15 days report j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
I have non-homeopathic SELENIUM 200 mcg. Tablets (from Puritan's Pride). Could I take these?
Aamir_Shah last decade
I have tried selenium 200c twice daily for 15 days but didn't notice any significant changes in the size.

PE and ED problem is still there.
Do you have Any suggestion or recommendation?
Aamir_Shah last decade
Could any doctor advice me what to do now. I have tried many remedies but nothing is helping me. I am in desperate need, help.
Aamir_Shah last decade
Mr Pankaj/Mr Murthy/Mr Rishimba/Dr Mahfooz/Dr Deoshlok

Could someone please review my case and give me some recommendation?
Aamir_Shah last decade
staphysagaria 200 one dose daily for 7 days then flouric acid 200 one dose daily for 15 days j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade

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