The ABC Homeopathy Forum
oily sweat mainly palms
I am 58 years of age male and have been having oily sweating problem mainly on the Palms.Earlier it was on my face also which made my plastic spectacles go out of shape because of oily sweat.Over the last 2-3 years, my overall dimensions and weight has also gone down.I did had frothy stools also during this period.These come off and on now also.
To the best of my knowledge, I don't suffer from any ailment except that my SGOT is slightly elevated and I have fatty liver(Ultrasound).
I like sweet things and warm weather and dread cold.
Jagmohan on 2007-10-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Jagmohan,
You may try CHINA OFFICINALIS 30C, get liquid form, put few drops (a dose) into about half litter bottle about half filled with water, shake-this is your ss=stock solution.
Every day (at least half a hour after meal and after washing your teeth with no-mint paste) succuse ss (pound bottom at the opposite palm) 10 times, take a teaspoonful from it to glass with about 1/4th of water, mix and take a teaspoonful.
no strong odors when handling the remedy please.
I assume here that you do not take any allopathic drugs.
You may try CHINA OFFICINALIS 30C, get liquid form, put few drops (a dose) into about half litter bottle about half filled with water, shake-this is your ss=stock solution.
Every day (at least half a hour after meal and after washing your teeth with no-mint paste) succuse ss (pound bottom at the opposite palm) 10 times, take a teaspoonful from it to glass with about 1/4th of water, mix and take a teaspoonful.
no strong odors when handling the remedy please.
I assume here that you do not take any allopathic drugs.
Astra2012 last decade
Hi Astra
Thank you for your kind help.
However I have not understood the second paragraph containing instructions.
Could you be kind enough in mentioning it again simply .
May God bless you abundantly.
Thank you for your kind help.
However I have not understood the second paragraph containing instructions.
Could you be kind enough in mentioning it again simply .
May God bless you abundantly.
Jagmohan last decade
Dear Jagmohan,
hope to be clearer now:
Buy CHINA 30c in liquid form.
Get 500ml bottle, about half filled with pure water (so containing 250-300ml of water). Add to that water few (3-5) drops of your remedy, shake. Mark the bottle ss=stock solution .
Every day succusse the ss bottle 10 times (succussing increases potency a bit; you do it by e.g.pounding the bottem of ss bottle at your opposite palm, ); take from it a teaspoonful of remedy and add it to glass quater-filled with water (so containing 100-125 ml of pure water), mix and take (drink) a teaspoonful from it.
If you have any striking reaction-stop the remedy and post.
When you finish the ss- wait fot a week-and also post.
Avoid products with strong odors, esp. mint and camphor.
hope to be clearer now:
Buy CHINA 30c in liquid form.
Get 500ml bottle, about half filled with pure water (so containing 250-300ml of water). Add to that water few (3-5) drops of your remedy, shake. Mark the bottle ss=stock solution .
Every day succusse the ss bottle 10 times (succussing increases potency a bit; you do it by e.g.pounding the bottem of ss bottle at your opposite palm, ); take from it a teaspoonful of remedy and add it to glass quater-filled with water (so containing 100-125 ml of pure water), mix and take (drink) a teaspoonful from it.
If you have any striking reaction-stop the remedy and post.
When you finish the ss- wait fot a week-and also post.
Avoid products with strong odors, esp. mint and camphor.
Astra2012 last decade
Astra2012 last decade
Dear Astra,
Thanks so much for your interest in my case.
I saw a well known Homoepathic Physician in New Delhi yesterday and he gave me Cal Carb 1M ,one dose(taken by me) and Phos 30 three times daily.
Now do I stop Phos 30 and take China 30?Keep in mind that I have taken Cal Carb and many other Homoe medicines during the recent past.
Please advise.
Thanks so much for your interest in my case.
I saw a well known Homoepathic Physician in New Delhi yesterday and he gave me Cal Carb 1M ,one dose(taken by me) and Phos 30 three times daily.
Now do I stop Phos 30 and take China 30?Keep in mind that I have taken Cal Carb and many other Homoe medicines during the recent past.
Please advise.
Jagmohan last decade
Dear Jagmohan
Proceed with phosphorus (I think he was thinking about your liver here)-that homeopath saw you in person and this is very important in homeopathy. Follow his advice!
China follows well aftter phosphorus. You can always try it later if your symptoms will not change.
Proceed with phosphorus (I think he was thinking about your liver here)-that homeopath saw you in person and this is very important in homeopathy. Follow his advice!
China follows well aftter phosphorus. You can always try it later if your symptoms will not change.
Astra2012 last decade
If I were to be your physician I would have waited atleast a week to asess the reaction to calc. carb 1M, and then only decided on the next medicine required.
Haste makes waste amply applies to homeopathy.
Haste makes waste amply applies to homeopathy.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
You are right Murphy, esp that according to Rehman's encyclopedia phos. might antidote calc. (follows well though).
calc. is quite a good choice here (I'm saying that because it was also one of MY candidates) but he doesn't give it much chance.
I may not like that, but should I try to change it?
calc. is quite a good choice here (I'm saying that because it was also one of MY candidates) but he doesn't give it much chance.
I may not like that, but should I try to change it?
Astra2012 last decade
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
He asked 'Do I stop phosphorus' so it sounds like he did...
But if you did not Jagmohan, wait with it, and see first what calc. does.Wait even a month if not two.
( I also do not like unchanged pot. repetition, not to mention phos. in that case, but how much can I interfere? There is always a slight possibility that this ddoctr knows something that I don't. Very slight... :o)
But if you did not Jagmohan, wait with it, and see first what calc. does.Wait even a month if not two.
( I also do not like unchanged pot. repetition, not to mention phos. in that case, but how much can I interfere? There is always a slight possibility that this ddoctr knows something that I don't. Very slight... :o)
Astra2012 last decade
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