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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Treatment for Urticaria

Name Meghna Deol
2. Age 49; 3. Sex F 4. Married/Unmarried/widow Married 5. weight 70 kgs 6. Height …. 5’4”
7. country India 8. climate hot & cold 9. Family History Mild eczema ie. Dry chapped skin
10. Qualification of patient B.Sc 11. Nature of working Presently working in a private firm
12. Complexion: Fair/Wheatish/ Darkish Wheatish 13. Constitution: Well built/Fat/Thin Fat
14. Veg/non veg Veg & slight Non veg
15. History of taking Alcohol/Tobacco/coffee/Tea/any drugs addiction Coffee, Tea,
16. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3 ……
Was diagnosed by skin specialist as suffering from Chronic Urticaria
Symptoms weals used to appear on my inner thighs, arms, sometimes face, red skin. These symptoms were 2-3 years back. Now weals appear only on right hand and quickly diseappear/. But itching and red skin remains for some time.
17. Since how long you are suffering for each complain Since 2000
18. current medicine you are taking for each complain Used to take Loratidine 10mg. Then started homeopathy through a doctor but no effect. Then started on my own taking Apis Mel 200. Stopped and now taking Histaminum 200 4 pills thrice a day. With this I feel maybe I am improving but not too sure.
19. Diabetic or non Diabetic diabetic
20. Desire sweets/sour/salt sweet
21. Thirst –Small quantity/short interval/long interval/large Quantity long interval
22. Tongue color
23. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) normal
24. What exactly is happening ? I get slight itching on my face, palms, soles of feet, neck, sometimes back and if more serious then weals start appearing on my right hand mostly and then disappear
25. How do you feel ? Uncomfortable
26. How does this affect you ? Itching interferes with my work and sometimes sleep but only when it is too much
33. desire or like and dislike of food No likes and dislikes
33. Name of foods which increase your problem Any nuts, eggs : This is absolutely sure. Now I feel may be dal and pulses also
34. Body odor ,/sweating/- Never sweat only when extreme manual work is done then only I sweat. In fact after walking briskly for an hour I still do sweat profusely.
Get motions only when I drink warm water in the morning with lemon or do so exercises
Suffer from gas and relieved after passing stools.
  meghna_deol on 2007-10-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1. apis mel 30 4 pills thrice in a day
2. Nat mur 6x 30 gms
4 tab thrice in a ay

3. Urtica U Q 10 drops three times in a day with 1/2 cup of water..

continue for 3 month....

dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Many thanks doctor.
Do I have to take all the three or any one that you prescribed?
meghna_deol last decade
One medicine at a time is proper homeopathy.

The advantages of taking one medicine at a time are multifold.

1) You can assess correctly whether the medicine is working or not.

2)If the medicine gives partial relief, and fails to bring in further improvement, you can then try by upping the potency.

3)If the upped potency too fails to improve further, you can look at complimentaries/collaterals.

4) You are assured of not getting a new disease which may happen due to the taking of so many remedies together.

5) In case you are a sensitive person and start getting the accessory symptoms after a few doses, there are methods available to antidote it. No such assurance can be given if yu take multiple medicines.

Many times multiple remedies are prescribed due to the inability of the prescribers to zero in on a single medicine.

Even in such cases, it is better to try the most likely two or three medicines one by one, and not together.

However, let me add that the prescription of a tissue salt/mother tincture in potencies of less than 6c, along with a well selected homeopathic medicine of higher potencies is normally tolerated by majority of the patients of Indian sub continent.

you will find that many doctors prescribe in this way, which however is not the best thing to do.

gavinimurthy last decade
dear meghna deol,
Yes, as prescribed by dr. sharma. It is a good combination in such chronic cases of urticeria and have alway good results.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
i second j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade

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