The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair loss help
Hello,I am a 46 year old female suffering from alopecia and thinning hair. It runs in my family. My hair that was straight and silky is now getting curly and frizzy. I have other symptoms like dry skin, dry mouth etc, but my doctor who made me do blood test, thyroid says I am okay. Is there any homeo meds that I can take to delay or prevent further loss.
I have read a lot on this forum, and decided on some treatments, but am ignorant of doses so decided it was best to get some expert opinion.
thank you.
Frani on 2007-10-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
carboveg 30 one dose daily morning flouric acid 200 one dose every alternate days for 15 days and report j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
My recommendation in this regards is as under
Natrum Mur-30 (3 drops per dose thrice a day) for a week
Arnica-Q (pure 10 ml in 100ml olive oil and put it into hairs at night)
report after a week.
Natrum Mur-30 (3 drops per dose thrice a day) for a week
Arnica-Q (pure 10 ml in 100ml olive oil and put it into hairs at night)
report after a week.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you for your prompt replies. I will read a bit more and decide which treatment to go with as three suggestions have been given.
I might have more questions regarding the doses because of my ignorance. I will be ordering the meds from the site so I have to wait for a few days. I will report back soon.
thank you, Frani
I might have more questions regarding the doses because of my ignorance. I will be ordering the meds from the site so I have to wait for a few days. I will report back soon.
thank you, Frani
Frani last decade
I have been experiencing hairloss for the last 2 years. It was very minor but i started taking treatment for androgenic alopecia(my biggest mistake) i.e finasteride orally and topical application of minoxidil. Results were very good but when i came to know about the side effects i quit it. But after quitting i started experiencing severe hairloss on the back of my head. I am almost balding now.. my scalp is clearly visible now. I hav re-started only topical application of minoxidil but the hairloss is still very high. If i stop it it gets even worse. Wish i had not started it my condition would have been much better. Someone pls help me... can i get my hair back or atleast prevent my hairloss. I am very tensed and do not get proper sleep now.
Pundalik last decade
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