The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Anxiety, lack of confidence....
All homeopathic doctors.I am 31 year old male. My primary symptoms are: a lack of confidence, mental fatigue, mental blocks, anxiety and stage fright, depression, poor concentration, poor memory and physical fatigue.
By nature I am quiet, bashful, timid, and sad. I lack confidence and dread situation where I have to perform something in pubic. Throughout my life I have suffered from lack of confidence in myself. I have never been open and able to share my inadequacies; rather I tried to hide them. I seem to have pent up emotions (feel like wanting to cry. I am submissive and indecisive. I am easily upset, get angry and introspective nature. I feel worse in heated room and better in breeze.
The online Remedy Finder indicates Pulsatilla. If there is general agreement about the remedy, what potency should I take?
eurostar on 2007-10-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Eurostaar
You thought your symptoms are matching Cocculus earlier. Now you feel it may be Pulsatilla. If you read about phosphorous you may find that some aspects of it too fit you.
You are not alone to feel that most of the remedies fit you in one way or the other. Any novice who is reading homeopathic materia medica will feel the same.
Same is the case with the prescribers. Some see a Puls, some feel it is Phos, and another one may feel it is Lyco.
Their prescriptions are based on their knowledge base, their experience and the way they look at the symptoms.
So, if you want to try it out on your own, I have already told you the way.
Select any one medicine that seems to be the best fit, and wait on it for a month.
A 200c is a good potency to start with.
If you want someone to guide you, it is also O.K. But choose the one whom you wan't to go along with after getting convinced that their advice is worth following.
One way to know about it to see their profiles, read their previous posts, and see how succesful they generally are on this forum at least.
All the best.
You thought your symptoms are matching Cocculus earlier. Now you feel it may be Pulsatilla. If you read about phosphorous you may find that some aspects of it too fit you.
You are not alone to feel that most of the remedies fit you in one way or the other. Any novice who is reading homeopathic materia medica will feel the same.
Same is the case with the prescribers. Some see a Puls, some feel it is Phos, and another one may feel it is Lyco.
Their prescriptions are based on their knowledge base, their experience and the way they look at the symptoms.
So, if you want to try it out on your own, I have already told you the way.
Select any one medicine that seems to be the best fit, and wait on it for a month.
A 200c is a good potency to start with.
If you want someone to guide you, it is also O.K. But choose the one whom you wan't to go along with after getting convinced that their advice is worth following.
One way to know about it to see their profiles, read their previous posts, and see how succesful they generally are on this forum at least.
All the best.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Murthy, thanks for taking an interest in my case. I feel like pouring my heart out but will refrain. I did take Cocculus 200c for 3 days primarily for mental fatigue but that is still here. If anything I may have become more emotional since taking it. I have in the past taken Lyco and Puls after taking advice from a homeopath but aggravations returned after some time.
I have now read about Phosphorus and I feel optimistic about it. Shall I take it in 200c or 1M?
I have now read about Phosphorus and I feel optimistic about it. Shall I take it in 200c or 1M?
eurostar last decade
Murthy, ..sorry you have already told me to start with 200c. Should I take a single dose of Phos 200 or repeat? thanks.
eurostar last decade
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
eurostar, perhaps it might be better to pour your heart out, there are many remedies you could take just on the small amount of info here. There needs to be a few questions asked about you, try to be objective. Regards
parachute last decade
eurostar -- May one ask why you arrived at this stage. Bad childhood, bad marriage, insults in the past, change of job, place etc. .......
♡ girilal last decade
I think the best way to describe my childhood is as the odd one out. I was the unusually quiet, timid, and bashful as a child. One teacher once wrote on my report that I would seldom come out of my shell. I was never a good socialiser and preferred to have a best friend, otherwise I was a loner. I didnt take well to insults. I would sulk with self pity rather then respond.
At home my parents divorced when I was 10 and became the support that my mother needed as I was the dependable one among 3 brothers and a sister. My mother was an overpowering lady and she told me what I can and cannot do. I missed the guiding influence of a father figure.
I struggled through education. Much was expected but I was not very bright, my brain was a brick as opposed to a being a sponge. I would prefer to struggle alone rather than asking the teacher or fellow pupil a question and risking people thinking that I am stupid. I some how managed a second class BSc Computer Science degree.
I have always had many fears. Fear of my mother telling me off. Fear of what people will think of me if I did something undesirable. Fear of humiliation when performing in public.
Even when I agreed to an arranged marriage and got married at the age of 25 I was afraid of what I was letting myself in for. I was not ready for any aspect of marriage. I feared if my wife would like me or not. I feared if I would be able to satisfy her etc. I felt inhibited and we could not form any emotional or physical relationship. Needless to say the marriage lasted a short time. The divorce was very unpleasant indeed as I had accusations made against me of being impotent etc.
I have always kept the inner turmoil a secret from friends and family. It is only through the internet that I have been seeking help. I have been using homeopathy for nearly three years now and I have gotten myself out of the pits and am now happily married with a child.
The primary symptoms that I am now seeking cure for are mentioned at the beginning of this post.
At home my parents divorced when I was 10 and became the support that my mother needed as I was the dependable one among 3 brothers and a sister. My mother was an overpowering lady and she told me what I can and cannot do. I missed the guiding influence of a father figure.
I struggled through education. Much was expected but I was not very bright, my brain was a brick as opposed to a being a sponge. I would prefer to struggle alone rather than asking the teacher or fellow pupil a question and risking people thinking that I am stupid. I some how managed a second class BSc Computer Science degree.
I have always had many fears. Fear of my mother telling me off. Fear of what people will think of me if I did something undesirable. Fear of humiliation when performing in public.
Even when I agreed to an arranged marriage and got married at the age of 25 I was afraid of what I was letting myself in for. I was not ready for any aspect of marriage. I feared if my wife would like me or not. I feared if I would be able to satisfy her etc. I felt inhibited and we could not form any emotional or physical relationship. Needless to say the marriage lasted a short time. The divorce was very unpleasant indeed as I had accusations made against me of being impotent etc.
I have always kept the inner turmoil a secret from friends and family. It is only through the internet that I have been seeking help. I have been using homeopathy for nearly three years now and I have gotten myself out of the pits and am now happily married with a child.
The primary symptoms that I am now seeking cure for are mentioned at the beginning of this post.
eurostar last decade
Eurostar, of-course you came to the right place. Here at the forums, people tell, listen, discuss and prescribe. It is not the medicine but the whole process contributes to the healing.
Try Ambra Gresa 30C once a day for a week.
You also must make an effort to get out of this mess. A boat without a keel gets slap from every wave in the water. A person too needs a keel.
Example, Homeopathy is our keel, this keep us occupied and gives us joy. You should find some keep or a backbone in your life. Medicine alone may not work.
Try Ambra Gresa 30C once a day for a week.
You also must make an effort to get out of this mess. A boat without a keel gets slap from every wave in the water. A person too needs a keel.
Example, Homeopathy is our keel, this keep us occupied and gives us joy. You should find some keep or a backbone in your life. Medicine alone may not work.
♡ girilal last decade
girilal, I have just read about Ambra Gresa and I think that it does fit me.
With the utmost respect to the other homeopaths that have advised me, especially Murthy, I will start with Ambra Gresa 30 (for 7 days) as girilal has suggested.
With the utmost respect to the other homeopaths that have advised me, especially Murthy, I will start with Ambra Gresa 30 (for 7 days) as girilal has suggested.
eurostar last decade
I have taken Ambra Grisea 30c for 6 days and there was some improvement over the first couple of days with regards to concentration and memory. However, I have experienced that as the days have gone on ailments have returned and others have become more prominent.
There is a sense of pent up grief whereas I feel like crying but am unable to do so.
There is more physical nervousness. Waking up in the morning today I felt this and weakness in the sexual region, a general nervousness and I deep sense of sadness.
Attempting to say or do anything knowing someone is watching makes me nervous, mind goes blank, I fumble my words and heat shots up my body towards my head, and I blush and heat raises from my scalp.
Any attempt to concentrate when speaking or in mid sentence results in my mind going blank with the loss of any thoughts or ideas.
There is a mental and physical tiredness that comes on especially in the afternoon. Whereas my mental faculties will tire, and there is sleepiness and tiredness effecting especially the legs.
I am getting headaches. A pressing pain on top of my head.
Please advise what I should do now. Please probe further if it would help.
I have taken Ambra Grisea 30c for 6 days and there was some improvement over the first couple of days with regards to concentration and memory. However, I have experienced that as the days have gone on ailments have returned and others have become more prominent.
There is a sense of pent up grief whereas I feel like crying but am unable to do so.
There is more physical nervousness. Waking up in the morning today I felt this and weakness in the sexual region, a general nervousness and I deep sense of sadness.
Attempting to say or do anything knowing someone is watching makes me nervous, mind goes blank, I fumble my words and heat shots up my body towards my head, and I blush and heat raises from my scalp.
Any attempt to concentrate when speaking or in mid sentence results in my mind going blank with the loss of any thoughts or ideas.
There is a mental and physical tiredness that comes on especially in the afternoon. Whereas my mental faculties will tire, and there is sleepiness and tiredness effecting especially the legs.
I am getting headaches. A pressing pain on top of my head.
Please advise what I should do now. Please probe further if it would help.
eurostar last decade
pl go for ambra gracia 200c j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Hi Dr Mohla, how should I take Ambra 200c?
Also, I can see that Ambra fit many of my symptoms but do you think that some of my current symptoms may also be covered by Nat Mur?
Also, I can see that Ambra fit many of my symptoms but do you think that some of my current symptoms may also be covered by Nat Mur?
eurostar last decade
I have taken Ambra Grisea 30c for 6 days and I have posted my feedback. It has been suggested by Dr mohla that I should now take the same remedy in 200c.
Should I be taking a single dose of Ambra 200 or taking it at certain intervals?
Should I be taking a single dose of Ambra 200 or taking it at certain intervals?
eurostar last decade
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Dear girilal, I would prefer to continue taking advice from yourself as you prescribed initially but I am not sure of your availability on the forum. Dr Mohal has kindly followed up on your initial prescription as I have not received a response from yourself. Would you be in agreement with the new prescription?
eurostar last decade
♡ girilal last decade
dear girilal and dr mohlal,
After the first dose of Ambra 200 there was good improvement. An hour after repeating the remedy on day 2, I went into a slump of depression for maybe an hour before things got a bit better but the sadness and nervousness remain.
Is this reaction expected? How does one know of progress?
After the first dose of Ambra 200 there was good improvement. An hour after repeating the remedy on day 2, I went into a slump of depression for maybe an hour before things got a bit better but the sadness and nervousness remain.
Is this reaction expected? How does one know of progress?
eurostar last decade
Dear Doctor / Sirs
I have taken Ambra Grisea 200 for 5 days and stopped for 2 days. Before starting the remedy I was getting these terrible mental blocks and couldnt concentrate at all. My memory was terrible. The problem has improved to some extent that I can now multi-task to some extent at work without forgetting what I am supposed to be doing. But problem gradually worsen again, there is still problem with regards to absorbing information, mental fatigue, loss of thoughts. After anger / grief / mental exertion the problem becomes worse. As the day goes on the mental fatigue becomes worse.
Deep sadness which is always present, depression, despair. Nervousness. Timidness. Nervousness and anxiety in public. Much heat in the body. Fear and anxiety about appearing in a meeting in near future, lack of confidence,
Do you think that Ambra will complete my recovery or do you want to re-consider my case?
Psorinum has been suggested previously but I have not been sure. What do you think?
I have taken Ambra Grisea 200 for 5 days and stopped for 2 days. Before starting the remedy I was getting these terrible mental blocks and couldnt concentrate at all. My memory was terrible. The problem has improved to some extent that I can now multi-task to some extent at work without forgetting what I am supposed to be doing. But problem gradually worsen again, there is still problem with regards to absorbing information, mental fatigue, loss of thoughts. After anger / grief / mental exertion the problem becomes worse. As the day goes on the mental fatigue becomes worse.
Deep sadness which is always present, depression, despair. Nervousness. Timidness. Nervousness and anxiety in public. Much heat in the body. Fear and anxiety about appearing in a meeting in near future, lack of confidence,
Do you think that Ambra will complete my recovery or do you want to re-consider my case?
Psorinum has been suggested previously but I have not been sure. What do you think?
eurostar last decade
have you ever asked yourself the question :
Why Do We Get Depressed?
Sometimes we feel tired from working hard, or discouraged when faced with serious problems. This too, is not depression. These feelings usually pass within a few days or weeks. But, if these feelings linger and begin to interfere with work, school or family responsibilities, it may be depression.
I think that, there is no single cause for depression. Many factors play a role including genetics, environment, life events, and certain thinking patterns that affect a person's reaction to events.
All in all, People who are depressed shouldn't wait and hope it will go away on its own, because depression can be effectively treated. Although depression is one of the most common emotional problems, the good news is that it's also one of the most treatable conditions
to read more about depression you can visit: onlineweblibrary,com
have you ever asked yourself the question :
Why Do We Get Depressed?
Sometimes we feel tired from working hard, or discouraged when faced with serious problems. This too, is not depression. These feelings usually pass within a few days or weeks. But, if these feelings linger and begin to interfere with work, school or family responsibilities, it may be depression.
I think that, there is no single cause for depression. Many factors play a role including genetics, environment, life events, and certain thinking patterns that affect a person's reaction to events.
All in all, People who are depressed shouldn't wait and hope it will go away on its own, because depression can be effectively treated. Although depression is one of the most common emotional problems, the good news is that it's also one of the most treatable conditions
to read more about depression you can visit: onlineweblibrary,com
stvalentine last decade
dear girilal
I have taken Ambra 200c for 5 days and am now taking it with a break of 2 days.
The remedy has been benefiting me with regards to mental blocks, concentration, memory, and I feel much relief with regards to that and I thank you for that.
But I am still depressed. And I wake up depressed and there is a deep sadness in me. I dont know why this is but it is there. I shall continue the prescription as at least I have been benefiting partially but I would like to know whether this deep sadness can be eliminated in future?
Kind regards.
I have taken Ambra 200c for 5 days and am now taking it with a break of 2 days.
The remedy has been benefiting me with regards to mental blocks, concentration, memory, and I feel much relief with regards to that and I thank you for that.
But I am still depressed. And I wake up depressed and there is a deep sadness in me. I dont know why this is but it is there. I shall continue the prescription as at least I have been benefiting partially but I would like to know whether this deep sadness can be eliminated in future?
Kind regards.
eurostar last decade
Dear Dr Mohla
I have taken Ambra Grisea as you have advised for about 2 weeks now. There has been improvement with regards to concentration and memory fatigue. The depression, sadness and nervousness is still there. There is the sensation of a lot of heat in my body.
In another post you advised me to take Picric Acid 200c one dose daily for five days. I have had the chance to read about the remedy and I think it could be good remedy for me. Do you still advise me to take this?
I have taken Ambra Grisea as you have advised for about 2 weeks now. There has been improvement with regards to concentration and memory fatigue. The depression, sadness and nervousness is still there. There is the sensation of a lot of heat in my body.
In another post you advised me to take Picric Acid 200c one dose daily for five days. I have had the chance to read about the remedy and I think it could be good remedy for me. Do you still advise me to take this?
eurostar last decade
now you take weekly dose for one month pl also report if you still get up sad and depressed j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Dear Dr Mohal, I hope you are well.
After my last post on Wednesday I started taking Picric Acid 200c (once a day for 5 days) which you had advised me initially. Unfortunately, I did not log onto the forum between Friday and Monday so I missed your response on Friday.
Sorry if I have confused the case. I have felt the following reactions since taking Picric Acid:
Stiffness in neck last three days reducing mobility. Tension in neck. Occasional shooting pain in nerves of fingers. Headaches originating from back of neck moving towards back of eyes, becoming more severe as the day progressed. Numbness on the upper right side of head. Waking up in the mornings with pain in the throat as though there is an ulcer and coughing up bloody mucous.
As far as mental symptoms are concerned there is sadness, dejection, lack of will power, nervousness, timidity, lack of confidence.
Please advise what I should do now.
Thanks again.
After my last post on Wednesday I started taking Picric Acid 200c (once a day for 5 days) which you had advised me initially. Unfortunately, I did not log onto the forum between Friday and Monday so I missed your response on Friday.
Sorry if I have confused the case. I have felt the following reactions since taking Picric Acid:
Stiffness in neck last three days reducing mobility. Tension in neck. Occasional shooting pain in nerves of fingers. Headaches originating from back of neck moving towards back of eyes, becoming more severe as the day progressed. Numbness on the upper right side of head. Waking up in the mornings with pain in the throat as though there is an ulcer and coughing up bloody mucous.
As far as mental symptoms are concerned there is sadness, dejection, lack of will power, nervousness, timidity, lack of confidence.
Please advise what I should do now.
Thanks again.
eurostar last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.