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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Scitica pain

I suffered from left side Scitica pain two months back and could not find much relif and had to go for surgery 25 days ago. The pain is better but there is stiffness in calf mucle eversice the problem has stareted and is not getting better.
Awaiting your valuable response.


  San555 on 2007-10-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1. causticum 30 4 pills three times inad ay
2. Mag phos 6x 4 tab three times inad ay
3. Nycteanthus a Q 30ml
10 drops three times ina day with 1/2 cup of water..

continue for a month and report me..
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Taking unchanged doses frequently months together may produce some troublesome symptoms that belong to the medicine in you.

That is a warning sign telling you to stop taking the medicines.

gavinimurthy last decade
Thanx Dr. Deoshlok and Dr. Murthy. I will take medicine as advised and will get back to you after a month.


San555 last decade
Thanks Dr Deoshlok. The pain is much better as of now . It has not gone off completely but it is better by 75 %.


San555 last decade
Dear Sanjay,

I am having similar problem and Dr.deoshlok advice me to use the same three remedies No.3 Nycteanthus A Q I can not find any where As you use it Please can you tel me where you bought on the net The web site. Thank you
M.Saleem last decade
I think ...the correct spellings for the med are:

Nyctanthes A

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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