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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

need some help for my cat


I have a cat who is about a year and a half old, he's a Maine Coon mix that we adopted at a shelter. He has a bright, sweet personality, he is playful, curious, has even learned to open lever handled doors (we had to replace with round handles).

Problems: He tends to leave bits of stool outside his cat box. Perhaps its sticking to his furry tail and dropping a few feet away, I don't know. He seems stressed about it when he sees it and will cover it with the rug it drops on, or sratch around it nervously until I find it and dispose of it. Sometimes for no apparent reason he'll get a bit of diarrhea, which seems to disappear as soon as he gets it. Normally his stools are normal for a cat, nothing remarkable except he often leaves an extra 'ball' or two of it outside the box. This is driving husband (and me) a bit crazy. I've never had a cat do this before.

He likes to try to eat things that are not food. Paper especially. Shredding paper is another fun thing he does when he's not eating it.

He's thin, and recently diagnosed with tapeworms, that perhaps he's always had, since he never goes outside.

He's been at the vet for a few days being boarded, and I will pick him up this weekend so I also would like an idea on a remedy for him for the disruption he's had in his routine, I'm sure he will be stressed out.

If anyone has any ideas on a remedy for him for the bathroom problems & tendency to eat what he shouldn't, and worms, and then the additional issue of stress from being boarded recently, and even a possible constitutional, I'd appreciate it.

Any ideas are appreciated, thanks for reading my post.
  gtexas on 2007-11-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi gtexas. My first cat was a very sweet Maine Coon. They can be lovely.

Something like Rescue Remedy might help him settle down from the stay at the vets.

Otherwise, you are describing chronic issues. The remedy should be chosen based on the totality of your kitty's issues, not a single issue.

My recommendation would be to join the following site:


and contact one of the veterinary homeopaths on that list.

You might also consider, if you haven't already, switching to a whole prey (raw) diet and foregoing whatever vaccinations you can possibly get away with. In the long run, your cat's health will be much improved for it.

Good luck, Daisy
Daisy43 last decade
Thank you, Daisy!

I will definitely check out the link, and I appreciate the advice.

Thanks again!
gtexas last decade

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