The ABC Homeopathy Forum
RELIEF! pain under right shoulder blade
Thank you doctors for recommending Sanguanaria and Chelidonium for this pain. I had it for 19 months!I would like to know why you recommended these remedies. I will learn homeopathy in my Naturopathic degree classes next month so I am curious and want to be taught.
I had my gallbladder taken out 13 years ago, had my right ovary out 13 years ago, had a cyst on my right breast taken out 12 years ago, presently have shingle pains on my right ankle. I also have had acne on my right side of the face my whole life and it is still there for now.
I am hoping the Sanguanaria will help me there. The symptoms have died down.
The insomnia is still a problem and the lack of energy is still there in the evenings.
Johanne on 2007-11-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
PAIN below right shoulder blade is an indication of problem with liver and/or spleen.
Because of his Chelidonium is rightly suggested.
It will cover your other problems
Because of his Chelidonium is rightly suggested.
It will cover your other problems
Rajendra last decade
I am most grateful and am very tearful about it. It has been a long fight.
Thank you so so much!
Thank you so so much!
Nicolas last decade
Is there a window of time for me to work with Sanguanaria and Chelidonium?
I am wanting to know how long do I take it? I don't mind taking it indefinitely but I want to know. How about Sanguanaria? Is this taking care of my weaknesses? Is this something I need for a long time?
It is fine if I need it but because I do not have much experience with homeopathics besides arnica, I need teaching.
Thank you so much,
I am wanting to know how long do I take it? I don't mind taking it indefinitely but I want to know. How about Sanguanaria? Is this taking care of my weaknesses? Is this something I need for a long time?
It is fine if I need it but because I do not have much experience with homeopathics besides arnica, I need teaching.
Thank you so much,
Johanne last decade
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