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chronic Stomach problems / back & stomach pain / urine problem / serious advice needed 8


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chronic Stomach problems / back & stomach pain / urine problem / serious advice needed

On behalf of a friend:

I developed stomach/urine/flatulence problems since 2001 - this was shortly

after using a training supplement by the name of Creatine for a short period

of time. I later found out that this supplement can cause problems to the

stomach. But I can not say 100% this is the cause.I am 28, Asian (Pakistan), Male.

Over the years my symptons constipation/corrupted stomach/frequent and

excessive passing of urine have increased. About a year ago I developed a dull type of pain in my back and behind my

lower rib cag (right side) towards the abdominal. This pain only comes on

when I sit down. Walking. running, lying down i am absolutely fine, only

when I sit down the problem with the pain triggers off. My pain only seems

to get worse when my stomach is not right - the more the

pain and urine problems.I have had all sorts of test in hospital from back xrays to ict, ivu as well

as a camera being used to check what is going on inside my stomach - nothing was


I have tried many herbal options including chinese and

homepathic, with no releif to my symptons. Any medicine (herbal, chinese TCM, homeopathy, western medicine etc) I have tried seems to work for 2-3 days and then the opposite effect takes place with my symptons seem to become aggravated (stomach becomes more corrupted, pain, urine etc) which leads to me passing stool and having anxiety sort of symptons straight after passing stool. My mood has been affected over the period of 5 years - more irritable etc. Full symptons are as follows:

Pain is only when I am sitting down

Pain is in upper back, right side, hips, lower back. pain behind lower ribs

- right side. Pain moves around - but always in the same areas.

Slight pulling on my face (right side)

Some pain in my right wrist

pulling feeling in my right ear

sensation in my thigh when sitting

anything I eat turns into wind/flatulence

I eat well but do not put on weight - maybe lose weight


piles(non bleeding)

stomach is irrittable almost everything I eat (not diorrea but just excessive wind effects, constipated most of the time but when I pass stool all seems to clear out the stomach with a anxiety feeling and an increase of the pain in stated areas)

I seem to have a liking for warm foods

Irritable to cold foods and drinks.

pain, urine problem, stomach problem (wind) aggraavated when eating fruits,

green vegetables.

I seem to lose my temper very quickly

Generally I have a lot of negtaive thoughts

A strong craving for chocolate straight after eating - the more I eat the more I crave for it.
If I drink any fluids after eating I feel very sleepy and tired with eyes slightly burning.
If I drink a cold drink or cold water then I pass a lot of urine in quick succession but if I drink water of normal temperature then I pass very little amounts of urine but still regular/constant urges.
Please advise on a medicine which can be used to cure the above problem taking into consideration the positive, then negative effect of medicine (work for 2-3 days and then opposite effect after).

Can one of the good Hompeoths please advise.
  shamz512 on 2007-11-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
A combination of stomach and urinary problems indicates Lycopodium. Try Lycopodium 6C once a day for 2 weeks.
girilal last decade
second j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade

I have already tried Lycopodium from a practitioner 1M or LM for 3 weeks but no effect.

Any other advice please?

shamz512 last decade
I have similar problem like you. Did you find any medicine then please let me know.

pabitrad last decade

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