The ABC Homeopathy Forum
dark gums !
Friends,I am looking for a remedy for dark/black/dark grey/ gums. Both upper and lower lines. No border lines as such. But very dark with sporadic white coatings (can scratch or wipe it away).
I tried the Remedy Finder and it says Plumbum Metallicum. Its confusing and haven't came across a thread for this yet. Please guide me through.
thenga on 2007-12-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please try (Carbo veg-6c) 2pills after every 2 hours only one day then stop and after 2weeks report me back,oK
Good luck
please try (Carbo veg-6c) 2pills after every 2 hours only one day then stop and after 2weeks report me back,oK
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
dear dr.faisal,AOA,
carboveg is good proposition but it should be advised for minimum for 2/3 days or a week.
dr. mahfooz
carboveg is good proposition but it should be advised for minimum for 2/3 days or a week.
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Not sure what the dark gums are from. Are you of a ethnicity which typically has dark colored skin? It yes, it may just be your skin pigment, melatonin. This is common for people with darker skin tones. And the white coatings is probably some sloughing of the gingiva or oral mucosa. Sometimes this is caused from an allergic reaction, a lot of times from the type of toothpaste you are using. Try changing your toothpaste.
estrella RDH, BS
estrella RDH, BS
streitanova last decade
Thank you all for the posts...
Yes I am of brown skin types. But I think its not typical of the race. I am the only one in my family with this kinda gums..
I tried changing toothpastes. I tried all ... I think I have gingivitis for which I see little bit bleeding if I brush a little bit harsh. So I use a soft brush.
Faisal: I will try that. But I did not see Carbo Veg in Remedy Finder. Have you seen dramatic changes in patients prescribing this? So how many days should I try?
Yes I am of brown skin types. But I think its not typical of the race. I am the only one in my family with this kinda gums..
I tried changing toothpastes. I tried all ... I think I have gingivitis for which I see little bit bleeding if I brush a little bit harsh. So I use a soft brush.
Faisal: I will try that. But I did not see Carbo Veg in Remedy Finder. Have you seen dramatic changes in patients prescribing this? So how many days should I try?
thenga last decade
Yes ...if you have black lines along the gums edge...touching the teeth....then it is indeed Plumbum Metallicum.
Normally such people have constipation, some kind of blockage in the intestines, colic (stomach ache) etc.
Wouldn't be surprised if you have high BP also ...depends upon your age.
Pankaj Varma
Normally such people have constipation, some kind of blockage in the intestines, colic (stomach ache) etc.
Wouldn't be surprised if you have high BP also ...depends upon your age.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
If the gums are bluish-purplish (on close examination) ....then you need Lachesis.
Otherwise...Carbo Veg is fine as a remedy.
Pankaj Varma
Otherwise...Carbo Veg is fine as a remedy.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hello Dr. Varma,
Thank you for the quick response.
Upon closer examination, I find that i do not have a distinct line on the edges.
Then black color starts gradually above the teeth base and extend upto the roots of the teeth. Then after that the color is really pink.
This dark (I am not sure if its black or purple/bluish but its dark on the black side I guess) area extend sideways in both directions to the ends.
I do not have constipation. Usually I am OK with my stomach. Pain is unusual. BP is almost always normal. I smoke too. I brush 2 times a day. I have receding gums too i guess. But it has been like that as far as i can remember.
So i take carbo veg 2 pellets every two hrs for a day and stop for 2 weeks?
Thank you for the quick response.
Upon closer examination, I find that i do not have a distinct line on the edges.
Then black color starts gradually above the teeth base and extend upto the roots of the teeth. Then after that the color is really pink.
This dark (I am not sure if its black or purple/bluish but its dark on the black side I guess) area extend sideways in both directions to the ends.
I do not have constipation. Usually I am OK with my stomach. Pain is unusual. BP is almost always normal. I smoke too. I brush 2 times a day. I have receding gums too i guess. But it has been like that as far as i can remember.
So i take carbo veg 2 pellets every two hrs for a day and stop for 2 weeks?
thenga last decade
Yes ....for receding gums it is Carbo Veg.
Do you have indigestion and upward flow of gas from the stomach??
Head hot and rest of the body cold ??
Pankaj Varma
Do you have indigestion and upward flow of gas from the stomach??
Head hot and rest of the body cold ??
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I get gas depending on the food. generally its fine. Usually I am able to digest common foods.
I am comfortable in cold than in warm weather. body temp average but on the cold side i guess. i do not have a feeling of hot head...
i always (read 365 days) cold. Atleast one nostril is almost always closed. I remember one ENT specialist saying that i need a surgery to correct some bend cartilage at the far inside of the nose. I do not know if these things are connected...Tried several homeo medicines as well..
BTW i am taking silicea for my ane that a problem with carbo veg?
I am comfortable in cold than in warm weather. body temp average but on the cold side i guess. i do not have a feeling of hot head...
i always (read 365 days) cold. Atleast one nostril is almost always closed. I remember one ENT specialist saying that i need a surgery to correct some bend cartilage at the far inside of the nose. I do not know if these things are connected...Tried several homeo medicines as well..
BTW i am taking silicea for my ane that a problem with carbo veg?
thenga last decade
To add to the previous post:
I have OK sets of nails. But the skin above the nails, on all fingers, is really really dark...i would say black... and i can peel it off pain....i get callous on the out skin on the first phalanges of thumb, index, middle and ring fingers. that too dark and could cut off using a nail trimmer...
is this the part of my physiological condition of is it pathological that would follow my original first message?
If you advise me to start a new thread on this?
I tried all allopathic and stuff for several of my problems.....but I am gonna stick on to homeo and i have several concerns I need to work on ....thanks
I have OK sets of nails. But the skin above the nails, on all fingers, is really really dark...i would say black... and i can peel it off pain....i get callous on the out skin on the first phalanges of thumb, index, middle and ring fingers. that too dark and could cut off using a nail trimmer...
is this the part of my physiological condition of is it pathological that would follow my original first message?
If you advise me to start a new thread on this?
I tried all allopathic and stuff for several of my problems.....but I am gonna stick on to homeo and i have several concerns I need to work on ....thanks
thenga last decade
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