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pain on the inside right shoulder blade

Hi everyone!

I want to let you know that the pain left for a few days and brought me much relief. But, now it has returned. It is not as severe as it has been. I still can move my neck fine but the pain is noticeable again and escalating slowly. I have not done anything out of the normal. I eat a whole foods diet and especially love salads lately. My stools sometimes become bilious again and I have some flatulence.

I took the sanguanaria and the chelidonium but now what do I do? I am suspecting a liver dysfunction but not severe enough for medical intervention nor do I want medical intervention. It is severe enough to hurt me though.

The insomnia is terrible as usual. I fall asleep and wake up around 1-2PM for the rest of the night. I cannot seem to go back to sleep at all.

My acne is subsiding a little on the right side of my face. It is still there and has been active for 2 years so far. I am looking forward for my liver to normalize and give me relief on my skin. I am 42 years old and a 30-year acne history has to stop! It is mainly ingrown hair that gets trapped on my right cheek and my chin.

Please share with me your wisdom?


  Johanne on 2007-12-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl increase the potency of sangunaria from 6 to 30 to 200 to 1m with thrice per day twice per day one dose per day weekly dose respectively j k mohla chelidonium to continue
akshaymohl last decade
Thank you so much. I will follow this and let you know how I am doing.

Johanne last decade

It's me again! I wanted to let you know that I just changed Sanguanaria to 200C and am doing well. Oh, the pain came back slightly this morning and went away an hour later with this change.

What I want to ask you now is to help me with the insomnia and my skin.

First the insomnia. I've had this for 30 years. It started as a little girl. I get extremely tired between 5-7PM and go to bed no later than 8-8:30PM. I wake up between 1:30 and 3:30 AM for the day. My body just cannot go back to sleep. I lie there so my body rests but I am not groggy enough to fall back asleep. I have tried melatonin and tryptophan and they do not work for me. I have tried Nux Vomica 30C and it sometimes appears to be working. Is this all related to my liver too? If it is, I have not seen any improvement since I have been doing sanguanaria and chelidonium. These remedies have been targeting the pain under my right shoulder pain successfully. I am so grateful!

Next, my skin. I am 42 years old and have had cyctic acne for 30 years too. Right now, I have had an outbreak on the right cheek for two years that is not clearing up at all. Oh, I hide it when I go out but the lumps are still there. Is there a remedy for this that would target the problem and also fine lines starting on my facial skin? I really take care of my face as most French people do. I am tired of battling this issue.

Would it help you to know that I have successfully battled a pituitary brain tumor? It took 17 years of hard work. I never chose radiation for this but ate no hormones and was strict with my food. Could the acne be a result of a weak pituitary gland? I have no more breastmilk from the problem but maybe the acne is originated from this. What are your thoughts?

Thank you for your time.

Johanne last decade
Can you tell us what could have triggered this Insomnia problem?

There must be some cause.Try to recapitulate what happened arounf that time.

gavinimurthy last decade
Two things to review:

The last two days, I have had mild pain returning under the right shoulder blade. I was taking sanguinaria 30C and moved onto 200CK but after one dose of that, the pain returned so I have been trying to take the 30C again since it had worked so well but the pain is still there a little. Not as severe as last time but there nonetheless.

The insomnia started around 8 years old. I was raped by my father and ever since then, my sleep has never been the same. I fall asleep well but quite early around 8PM and wake up between 2-3PM for the day. I cannot go back to sleep. I took Nux Vomica 30C for a while and it seemed to work for a week or so then the insomnia returned. I tried various other things but none have helped. I get so tired late in the day and my concentration is not good. I cannot focus on a text and retain very well because I am so tired.

Is this enough information?

Thank you for your help,
Johanne last decade
staphysagaria 30c twice daily for 15 days report j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
Yes. Staphysagria. Stop taking the medicine when you find appreciable amelioration. It may happen any time much before the two weeks suggested.

The golden rule in homeopathy is to stop taking the medicine when you get relief. Continuation beyond this point may spoil all the good the medicine has done.

The more is not the merrier in homeopathy.

Any way, come back after a week and report the changes.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi, I have stopped the sanguinaria for a few weeks now. Still take the chelidonium Q 10 drops in the morning and night and that brings some relief.

I now am starting to have some intense soreness on my right side under the shoulder blade again.

I have started the staphysagria last night and had a very restless night with very light sleep.

Can you guys continue to instruct me please? I am so please so far with all the help you are giving me. I am learning so much.

Johanne last decade
pl give some time to staphysagaria j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
Take Chelidonium Q 10 drops on quarter glass of water ...three times a day.

Yes ...appears to be a liver dysfunction.

Chel. will restore you to good health.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
yes, cheldonium is good proposition. Please continue it for at least one week as suggested by dr.pankaj and report.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Hi everybody,

Took Chelidonium Q10 drops three times a day.

Also took staphysagaria 30c twice daily for 15 days.

Now, I go to bed at 8-9PM exhausted and wake up at 2AM for the day! It makes for very long days.

I also have the pain back and am taking 600 mg motrin twice a day to tolerate my day with this very specific pain on the inside below the right shoulder blade.

I just came back from visiting my father that I only have seen 5 times in the last 20 years and he is struggling with cirrhosis. I am wondering if that is what I am struggling with. It is hard to diagnose until it is advanced. I seem to be experiencing some of those symptoms but earlier in the process.

Please help suggest the appropriate course of action.

Thanks so much,
Johanne last decade
Get some liver tests done...

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
'I just came back from visiting my father that I only have seen 5 times in the last 20 years '


The only two people who give you unconditional love in this world are your 'Mum and Dad ' !!

The rest is a bargain....

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
First of all Mr. Varma, your comments are not very compassionate at all for a person who has been in the healing profession.

Second of all, you are dealing with a woman who has conquered a pituitary brain tumor without surgery or radiation. It took 17 years of persistent learning and with nutrition and supplementation, this condition is reversed and has been for the last two years now.

To send a person like me to Westernized medicine is like sending somebody to the lion's den. There are not many curative methods in this type of way, just managing chronic crisis with medicines and surgery. This is not the way I intend to heal.

I know that this liver of mine is compromised. I believe that Homeopathy will help me with proper guidance. I am practicing nutritional medicine on myself to further enhance whatever you suggest. I have developed persistence over all these years and I intend to continue to seek the answers to get better.

I think that your lack of compassion needs to be reflected upon.

Johanne last decade
You have interpreted my suggestion in absolutely the wrong way.

Never mind, I only asked you to get the liver test done....but not to use allopathic medicines.
Becoz...the result of the liver test will help me to decide the homeopathic medicine.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
'I think that your lack of compassion needs to be reflected upon.


Dear Johanne,

I have been through a lot of pain myself in my life. I come here to help fellow human beings and not for any personal gain.

Just that the time I spend here ...helps me to forget my own pain.

'The Lord breaks you to re-make you ! ' (It is from the Bible).

Right through 2005, 2006 and 2007 I have helped people at homeopathic sites and through replies to e-mails sent to me inspite of my own self having tear filled eyes and a heart in great pain.

Take care and be cheerful.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Pankaj,

Thank you for sharing this with me. I do the same you do with nutritional advice to others, raising our four teenagers and homeschooling them.

I am a Bible-believing person and have hope.

I guess I have had this particular pain for almost two years now and I worry about that kind of inflammation. It is never good to have this too long. So far, nobody seems to be able to give me consistent direction.

I have had relief with sanguinaria and chelidonium. Now that I have stopped sanguinaria, the pain has returned. I still take chelidonium 3x/day. It cannot hurt being that I have no gallbladder at all.

My enzymes were very high when I turned 30 years old. I did many liver cleanses and the liver normalized. I have done liver cleanses since then but for two years now, the pain stays. I also had ascites three summers ago. I chose not to go to the hospital because of the cost. The condition resolved itself in 5 months. I thank God that I was able to overcome this. This liver of mine is just so sluggish and that is eating all organic foods!

Maybe God will direct you and the other wonderful people on this board to help me.

Thanks for your nice words,
Johanne last decade
Hi Johanne !!

Pl. see this:

May you also get well soon.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
OK Pankaj Varma,

This thread was very interesting and I think I can provide you with some answers for guidance.

My cyst history is this:

- I had them on my gums most of my childhood. It came on my canine on my right side on my upper jaw. Had antibiotics but it always came back until the orthodontist took it out to readjust my teeth. (I think that bacteria went on my pituitary gland from there.)
My gum on that side on that location tends to get tender from time to time and I always fear my teeth will fall out then it goes away.

- I had cysts on my right ovary. I finally had it taken out in 1993 so that took care of that.

- I had a cyst under my right armpit on my bra area that grew the whole 4th pregnancy. I had it taken out two weeks before our Jacob was born. Again, this is on the right side.

- I have had some cysts on my right cheek for two years now. They will not go away filling up with liquid constantly and are painful. I also have them on the right side of my chin.

- was diagnosed with a pituitary brain tumor on the anterior part of it in 1990. It gave me prolactinoma and many other problems. That is now resolved since two years. At least, I have not had breast milk now for two years but did for 17 years and never breastfed my children.

Menses: Had them at 11 years old and they were irregular until 10 years ago because I worked on my low thyroid naturally. Then my menses became normal every 28 days with 8 days of bleeding and 5 to 6 of those very heavy with clots and lots of cramping and fatigue.

Sleep: I get extremely tired around 7-8PM and try to go to bed if I can. I sleep soundly and deeply until 11-midnight. Then I stir and sleep lightly and really wake up around 2:30-3AM for the day.

My personality is energetic with an optimistic side to it. I have a hard time concentrating for any time and my attention span is short for now.

Con't in next note.
Johanne last decade
Physically, I have been fighting shingles for the last 10 years. I never know when they will strike. They are on both hips and the shooting pains start in the ankles. I take lysine in high doses and the pains subside but the lesions are fresh once again.

Abuse: I grew up in a home where my father was violent with my mother. He drank tons and one night, I was abused by him. My relationship with him is restored now to a point. I love him deeply but I married an American, raise our children very differently than I was raised and am into natural health which has created a huge difference between us. We have very little to talk about. He is now struggling with cirrhosis and my heart aches for him as I believe I could have helped him years ago but now, time is short I am afraid. I see him once a year and I am now sad about this.

Fingernails: They are weak and always have been. The ulnas are hidden on all the digits but the thumb. I have no white spots at the moment.

Digestion: My hair analysis shows a very disturbed digestion. I try to eat foods that are easy on it but fats are especially hard. I have no gallbladder. That came out in 1993 and at the time I was 28 years old with 30 stones in it. Very unusual because I was thin and athletic. I am still thin and am going to start bodybuild with our 16 year old daughter starting today!

Let me know if this helps you help me. I so appreciate your insight! The pain is dull but very specific and has been for the last 2 years now. It is on the inside of the right shoulder blade.

Johanne last decade
Dear Johanne,

I am analysing your case.

I sympathyse with you on account of your Dad's behaviour towards you. It is remarkable that you brought up your children very differently. Wud congratulate you for that coz I can link up with what you are saying...have seen such cases with other people in their lives.

Can you tell me a little more about the quality or abnormality of your nails ?

Will help in the analysis.

Best wishes
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Pankaj Varma,

My nails bend easily. They break quickly if I clean. The toe nails are strange. My big toe is smaller than the rest on both feet. The second toe's nails are thick, very thick but if they grow a little long, they break like a piece of wood. The nails on my hand are thinner, break and bend easily. I have two children like that and two others who have beautiful nails. The two children like me exhibit similar body symptoms like me at times too. I raised them eating organic hormone-free foods so they are much stronger in their constitution but the stomach issues, the nails and sleep issues are similar.

It is so hard for me to see my father age. I still want our children to have a good life so they have a different culture, different faith, different education than I did and they are the sweetest. My father does not feel dishonored, he knows. The thing is that he only sees me once a year only if he pays for our family to visit because we cannot afford to go. My heart is heavy about all of this.

Thank you for analyzing my case. I so am looking forward to healing.

Johanne last decade
Hello Johanne,
Pl. start by giving yourself
Thuja 200

Three doses in a span of one hour each....then stop.

No Chelidonium on that day. Restart Chel. after 24 hours.

No garlic, coffee, drugs, alcohol while taking these meds.

Post feed back.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Pankaj Varma,

I am placing an order right now and will get back with you when I do this. I will do so asap!

Thank you so so much,
Johanne last decade

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