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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Genital Warts

Female, 40 years in age. Sexually inactive since last 10 years. Developed cauliflower like growth on lips in vaginal area including a small mole or wart like growth on clitoral hood. Complaint of acute folliculitis in pubic hair since last 20 years. Can any good soul suggest reasons and remedy for this problem ?
  homeo40 on 2004-11-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
personally I would suggest [1] Thuja [2] Nat Sul [3] Nit Acid
In that order of preference I would try 3x or 6x potency and see how it goes.
passkey 2 decades ago
i have a similar problem , i have just used a herbal drug that is very good, really kills the virus like form just in one minute in the affected area, the price of the drug is quite expensive but it really works wonders, the drug is called degen,if you want to buy one, il make sure that your wart will be gone in no time
zingpoy last decade

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