The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Rheumatoid Arthritis
I've read that gold is used in some medical treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis and was wondering if any of the homeopathic remedies have gold in them.Thanks for you help.
Happy New Year.
Blessed be,
auntinami on 2008-01-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
gold in homoeopathy is Aurum Met but you are advise to take weekly one doses of Medhorinum 200 and rest of the 6 days take Argent Metali cum it is cartilage generater . this two medicine will cure your permanently ... try for 3 month and report me...
dr. deoshlok sharma
dr. deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
Thank you for your response Dr. deoshick sharma.
This advise is for my neice who is also trying to get pregnant.
I noticed that ABC doesn't sell Medhorinum 200 can you tell me where to get some.
Also just to confirm instuctions She should take Medharinum 200 1 time on first day
What dose should she take of Argent Metali cum and how many times a day for the six days?
Thanks for your help.
This advise is for my neice who is also trying to get pregnant.
I noticed that ABC doesn't sell Medhorinum 200 can you tell me where to get some.
Also just to confirm instuctions She should take Medharinum 200 1 time on first day
What dose should she take of Argent Metali cum and how many times a day for the six days?
Thanks for your help.
auntinami last decade
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