The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Re-posting as new topic: Staphysagria
Hi all,Posted this as a response to Berta earlier, unwittingly, but it's really a separate issue so here I am again...
I have a homeopath I go to for a seizure disorder following an astrocytoma brain tumor removed in 03. But I only started going to her 1.5 years ago, or less. This is the 4th remedy we've tried; various layers of 'issues' as she describes my constitution. : ) I'm an acutely sensitive person emotionally, and fit the Staph profile perfectly -- prone to feeling indignant, violated, suppressed anger etc. though with kind demeanor. Anyway it's been 2 months now and I'm having some reliving of my symptoms going back in recent time, which I understand is a good sign. The sporadic seizures of leg and arm (right side) have actually changed their character, loosening up, more subtle, less intense. Less anxiety and despair going along with the experience too. (I seemed to be having quasi-panic attacks back in November, not fun!) That's probably because the surgery lesion impinged on the amygdala and hypothalamus. Details details.. ANYWAY, this feels like a good trend and I feel better and more relaxed emotionally these days too. That's a HUGE part of my brain/nerve condition I've come to learn.
So - I am REALLY CURIOUS if anyone else has experience with using Staph for such a condition, i.e. brain surgery recovery or any brain condition. I didn't realize until reading on here that it's indicated for scar problems. Please inform! Love to hear from you.
I also suggest folks go to a real homeopath with any serious conditions -- as they say, 'a remedy isn't homeopathic unless it's presecribed homeopathically.'!
Peace and health,
Noel in Santa Fe
fifthworld on 2008-01-17
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