The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Anexity and erection problem, Low testosterone high extrogen
Sex: MaleAge: 30
Nature of work: Software
Describe your main suffering and from how long?
Anexity :- Suffering from it since as long as i remember since my childhood. Some thought will come in my mind , it might be a small and unrelevant thought but it will not go out of my mind. when i am having anexity attact i find it diffecult to sleep. It is generally trigger by even small matters.
Erection Problem : Suffering from it since 1 and half year.
I masterbated regularly say thrice a week something more than that.
It takes a lot of time to get erection, and it is not as hard as before.
And I goes off soon. say in 2-3 minutes.
i have gone through hormone Test in which my testosterone was low and my extrogen was high. Took Zinc tablet after which my extrogen is contolled.
Erection problem is aggrevated when i am more anxious of getting errection.
Anextiy is aggrevated when i face some emotional or professional crisis.
Hot weather is good to me.
I like sweet and sour both food.
My thirst is high.
I feel hungery but feel filled
after litle food.
I used to suffer from constipation few year back not it fine. my stool type is not so hard not so soft.
These days my sleep is restless, when i have anextiy attact my sleep become more restlesss and i feely sleepy entire day.
I dream about falling from hieght and snake and elephantes.
I have taken Lycopodium 1M on 6/02/08 and on 7/02/08 I saw it has provided some releif in my anexity problem. but my erection problems is same.
I am 5' 8' 65 kg.
Anexity problem i have inherited it form my mother side.
I do have erection in night.
Please guide me with good medicie.
kabir_khan786 on 2008-02-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take lycopodium 200,
40 no. glob. one dram,
4glob . twice daily ,
Report after finishing above remedy.
40 no. glob. one dram,
4glob . twice daily ,
Report after finishing above remedy.
freeconsult last decade
I have taken Lycopodium 1M on 06/02/08 and on 07/02/8, should I take Lycopodium 200?
Waiting for Your response.
Waiting for Your response.
kabir_khan786 last decade
Hello I am waiting for reply from honorable doctor on this forum.
Is any thing is missing or more details is required pls tell me
Is any thing is missing or more details is required pls tell me
kabir_khan786 last decade
Dear Mr Mohla,
I am Glad to see u rplying me.
I saw ur post today. as i took lycopodium on 7th feb. I felt very calm mentally. Good relief in anexity problem.
I have also observed some improvement in erection in night.
It is stronger and stay for 2-3 minutes.
I want to inform you that i have repeated the dose today morning, as it was 1 week since i took lyco.
I was tempted to take it as it has give me quite a good response in my anexity problem
but as now i saw reponse from a Doctor like you i would like to be guide by you only without any self medication.
I would like to ask u one question.
I have observed from quite long time that my body jerks during half sleep. and i use or pronouce words wrong occasionlly. I also repeak word of sentence quite often during conversation.
I saw selenium have these symptom mention can u pls guide me on that as well.
Waiting for ur response
I am Glad to see u rplying me.
I saw ur post today. as i took lycopodium on 7th feb. I felt very calm mentally. Good relief in anexity problem.
I have also observed some improvement in erection in night.
It is stronger and stay for 2-3 minutes.
I want to inform you that i have repeated the dose today morning, as it was 1 week since i took lyco.
I was tempted to take it as it has give me quite a good response in my anexity problem
but as now i saw reponse from a Doctor like you i would like to be guide by you only without any self medication.
I would like to ask u one question.
I have observed from quite long time that my body jerks during half sleep. and i use or pronouce words wrong occasionlly. I also repeak word of sentence quite often during conversation.
I saw selenium have these symptom mention can u pls guide me on that as well.
Waiting for ur response
kabir_khan786 last decade
let you give some time to lyco 1m so pl repeat after 15 days and wait for one month then go for selenium but pl inform result of lyco j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Hello Mr Mohla and other.
Lyco 1M has given me relief in anexity and somewhat ok response in erection.
I have I more problem that is not being affected by lyco, is my sleep disorder. I have restless sleeep, wake up daily between 4-5 no matter at what time i sleep, generally 11.30.
After waking up at 4-5 it is vry difficult to sleep again. just lie there as half sleep.
I have read symptoms of selenium it is also cover there.
I have also seen on this forum that arnica is helping people sleep sound.
Can I take arnica or selenium
along with Lyco.
And how ofter i should take lyco and how long.
I am also suffering from premature ejaculation.
Waiting for responses
Lyco 1M has given me relief in anexity and somewhat ok response in erection.
I have I more problem that is not being affected by lyco, is my sleep disorder. I have restless sleeep, wake up daily between 4-5 no matter at what time i sleep, generally 11.30.
After waking up at 4-5 it is vry difficult to sleep again. just lie there as half sleep.
I have read symptoms of selenium it is also cover there.
I have also seen on this forum that arnica is helping people sleep sound.
Can I take arnica or selenium
along with Lyco.
And how ofter i should take lyco and how long.
I am also suffering from premature ejaculation.
Waiting for responses
kabir_khan786 last decade
selenium 200 twice daily for 7 days lyco one dose after one month selenium for early ejaculation j k mohla report after 15 days
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Hello Doc Mohla,
I have observed that when i take lyco I have feeling better mentally, as my anexity is less or none, I feel sexually good having good erection at night,
and also feel overall good sexually. But the effect remains for 2-3 days only after that I feel same, i do have as good erection as during first 2-3 days.
And I have yet not started Selenium.
I thought to update you first on lyco.
What should i do regarding Lyco.
I will wait for ur response.
I have observed that when i take lyco I have feeling better mentally, as my anexity is less or none, I feel sexually good having good erection at night,
and also feel overall good sexually. But the effect remains for 2-3 days only after that I feel same, i do have as good erection as during first 2-3 days.
And I have yet not started Selenium.
I thought to update you first on lyco.
What should i do regarding Lyco.
I will wait for ur response.
kabir_khan786 last decade
pl drop 8 globules in one cup of water in a clean bottle of lyco 1m and shake well several times and then take one dose of two table spoon after one week repeat pl give a gap of 15 days repeat if you have lyco 1m as liquid pl put 4 drops in same quqntity of water and take medicine as above j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
I have taken lyco 1m as prescribed by you today.
Will report the feed back soon. Not started seleniun yet.
Will report the feed back soon. Not started seleniun yet.
kabir_khan786 last decade
Hi Dr Mohla,
I took lyco 1m single dose in the same way precribed by you on wednesday.
The result is same for 2-3 days i felt good sexually having good errection at night and feeling good overall.
Now again after that i felt same
it seems lyco 1m is active in my body only for 2-3 days.
Pls guide
waiting for ur respons.
I took lyco 1m single dose in the same way precribed by you on wednesday.
The result is same for 2-3 days i felt good sexually having good errection at night and feeling good overall.
Now again after that i felt same
it seems lyco 1m is active in my body only for 2-3 days.
Pls guide
waiting for ur respons.
kabir_khan786 last decade
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Hi Dr Mohla,
I am taking the lyco 1M weekly for last 3 weeks I cleary see satisfying results both in anexity and errection, without any side effect.
In the first week I took lyco for 4 consecutive days.After that the effect of lyco is staying for entire week not like earlier when its effect faded out in 2-3 days.
One question I would like to ask.
Can I keep taking lyco 1M for a longer period like 6 month or an year in weekly dose.
Because the problem of anexity is very deep rooted. It is there since my childhood, it there as long as i could remember, and it is genetic as well my mother and my nani is having this.
I want to continue this medicine and cured this problem of mine
Waiting for your rply
I am taking the lyco 1M weekly for last 3 weeks I cleary see satisfying results both in anexity and errection, without any side effect.
In the first week I took lyco for 4 consecutive days.After that the effect of lyco is staying for entire week not like earlier when its effect faded out in 2-3 days.
One question I would like to ask.
Can I keep taking lyco 1M for a longer period like 6 month or an year in weekly dose.
Because the problem of anexity is very deep rooted. It is there since my childhood, it there as long as i could remember, and it is genetic as well my mother and my nani is having this.
I want to continue this medicine and cured this problem of mine
Waiting for your rply
kabir_khan786 last decade
hi, i took one odse of lycopodium and was diagnosed of enlarge heart now Dr advised me Crategus tincture is it ok
khan78 last decade
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