The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Medicine for Piles
I am suffering from piles. I had consulted to doctor after checking he told me that it is first stage of piles but after reading to the symtoms it is notice that i am at either second or third stage. i had been given medicine like Pylappy capsules and pilex cream to apply but the relief was for that period only. presently the condition is that i am getting swelling while passing stool and i can realise it as well. secondly slightly itching problem occures after regular interval. at present there is no bleeding but some times when stool is hard it bleed for which i have to take care. i get more problem during summer season. i dont want to be operated so doctor kindly give me suggestion and medicine in order to cure my piles. if requires i will any further information.damodarh on 2008-02-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
nux vom 30c evening sulphur30 morning for 5 days then aesculus 30 twice daily for 15 days report j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
my advise is take Nit Acid 200 daily one dose only empty somach....
above preseciption is very common for pilessulpher morning and nux vom at evening...
you can try both as you like...
dr.deoshlok sharma
above preseciption is very common for pilessulpher morning and nux vom at evening...
you can try both as you like...
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
they say thousand of cases may be cured with NUX VOMICA 12x and Sulphur 30x alone, this is mighty priscription for piles(and common as Dr sharma said)
purdaysee last decade
if u believe taking combinations then add
3 drops from both in little water ...with these two combinations 80 percent get well professional use this comb with Nux and sulphur
GINGER AND FIGS are best to eat for speedy help.
if u believe taking combinations then add
3 drops from both in little water ...with these two combinations 80 percent get well professional use this comb with Nux and sulphur
GINGER AND FIGS are best to eat for speedy help.
purdaysee last decade
Imam Jaffar-e-Sadiq Alahis Salam, the 6th Successor to Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said Walnut (akhrot) and Raisins (dried grapes/kishmish/ munaqqa) taking the two together cures your Piles/Hemorrhoids and painful Gas (flatulence) problem.
All those suffering from piles should take these two dry fruits in equal weight once a day.
A minimum dose of 2 pieces of walnut and 20 pieces of fresh raisins before or after meal is recommended. Its an easy and permanent cure of your acute or chronic piles.
Imam Jaffar-e-Sadiq Alahis Salam, the 6th Successor to Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said Walnut (akhrot) and Raisins (dried grapes/kishmish/ munaqqa) taking the two together cures your Piles/Hemorrhoids and painful Gas (flatulence) problem.
All those suffering from piles should take these two dry fruits in equal weight once a day.
A minimum dose of 2 pieces of walnut and 20 pieces of fresh raisins before or after meal is recommended. Its an easy and permanent cure of your acute or chronic piles.
♡ Dr Zaair Husain last decade
My brother age 34 is suffering from grade 3 piles
He has been taking sulphur 30c 40 drops in morning
Aesculus 30c 20 drops twice a day
Arnica Montana 30c 20 drops twice a day
And Aesculus 30c 20 drops twice a day
And nux vomica 30c at night 40 drops at night
There is improvement but still there is swelling and today he has bleeding again
What should be done. Please help
He has been taking sulphur 30c 40 drops in morning
Aesculus 30c 20 drops twice a day
Arnica Montana 30c 20 drops twice a day
And Aesculus 30c 20 drops twice a day
And nux vomica 30c at night 40 drops at night
There is improvement but still there is swelling and today he has bleeding again
What should be done. Please help
pinkflower 9 years ago
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