The ABC Homeopathy Forum
I have been suffering spleenomegally since couple of years which was resulted from typhoid. RBC of my blood getting damage before 120 days thus it was causing anemia. Doctor in Bankok give me Folison tab (folic acid 5mg) as supplement in Jan-2006. But there was no develepment of my spleenomegally. Finally doctor of Apollo-Dhaka give me vitamin B12 injection.So my question - is it possible to back my spleen in normal ?
noman_11 on 2008-03-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please try (China off-30c) 2pills twise a day for week only then stop and after month report me back,ok
Good luck
please try (China off-30c) 2pills twise a day for week only then stop and after month report me back,ok
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
♡ Dr Tahira last decade
You are in need of Chininum Sulph 30 two drops of it just for one week or two. Buy this remedy in liquid form. Let me know after a week. Mind one thing that no other remedy, whether it is homoeopathic or allopathic, should follow this remedy.
Wishing you,
Yours sincerely
Dr. Kumar
Wishing you,
Yours sincerely
Dr. Kumar
Dr Kumar last decade
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