The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Control temper, mood swing and increase sex drive for my wife
Hi Doctor,We are married since last 4 years and have a Son of 2 years old. Since last two years my wifes sex drive went down. Initially she was having a moderate level of sex drive. But since last two years it was going down and now its almost nil. It seems she does not have any interest on this at all. She does not even allow me to touch her. Now a days we dont even make love once a month also. She gets irritated on these.
Her general characteristics are:
She is short tempered and very emotional girl. Most of the time she is on bad mood. Unfortunately she is suffering from Rhematide arthritis (RA) since last 3 years. She is taking allopathic medicine for that.
Doctor please help me, by prescribing the right medicine (remedy) for her, to improve her pleasure drive. Remedy t keep her temper in control and less mood swing.
roy123 on 2008-03-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Mr. Roy,
Please give her just 3 doses of Sepia 30C for one day only. Space the doses by 3 hrs. No doses after these 3.
No eating or drinking for 1 hr on either side of each dose.
Report status in 1 week after the 3 doses..
Please give her just 3 doses of Sepia 30C for one day only. Space the doses by 3 hrs. No doses after these 3.
No eating or drinking for 1 hr on either side of each dose.
Report status in 1 week after the 3 doses..
sameervermani last decade
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