The ABC Homeopathy Forum
female hormone imbalance - help!
I'm 32 years old, and have had irregular menses since i was 17. initially i was diagnosed with PCOS and put on birth control pills. my menses were regular whenever i was on the pill, but not when i was off it. at age 27 i conceived (though we lost the baby, born very prematurely), and diagnosis was changed from PCOS. 2 years later, i staretd getting breast tenderness and dry vagina and tests showed high prolactin. but in 2006 when i last checked prolactin had become normal. but even now, my period is irregular - 1/2 months gap, scanty bleeding for just 2/3 days. also i'm losing scalp hair, my body hair has been increasing, my face and scalp are verry very oily and i'm getting acne on my face and back. please help.tubby on 2008-03-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Patient ID: Sex: Age: Nature of work: Habits:
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
(For Females)
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
(For Females)
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
♡ rishimba last decade
Patient ID: Tubby
Sex: Female
Age: 32
Nature of work: Heavy mental work, desk job, long hours
Habits: reading, movies, cooking
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
Irregular and scanty menses, hair loss, acne, excess body hair, very oily skin and scalp, occasional depressed moods, irritability, intense anger.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Stiffening of back of neck, lower back pain, dry cough
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Occasional depressed moods, irritability, intense anger, easily stressed
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.
Worried and stressed over menstrual problems, hair loss, body hair growth and acne
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
It started when I was 17. No event or disease, but I have been repeatedly abused by neighbours/servants etc as a child
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
No specific time
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
Lack of sleep makes me more irritated, also too much free time leads to depressed moods
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Yes, to my irregular menses 1 or 2 months gap between periods, scanty flow, occasionally dark clotty blood, period lasts only 2 0r 3 days maximum
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
Cold and dry weather
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Moody, sometimes nervous, irritable, stressed
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
I like thunderstorms
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
Yes, but not by everyone
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Im sensitive to smell and noise
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
Causeless weeping occasionally
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
I am mostly critical of people close to me
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
Fear of molestation
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Sometimes crave sweets (but cant consume too much sweet 2 pieces maximum). No aversions as such.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Mostly normal
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
Spicy Chinese food sometimes gives me palpitations and prickly feeling on upper body
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
A little more than normal. I sweat more on my trunk.
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
More or less fine. Occasional feeling of unsatisfactory movement
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Mostly sleep well. Sleep on my side. Sometimes worries/stress cause sleep disturbance
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
No, I am separated from my husband.
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
I lack confidence, feel a lot of irritation, and am critical of others
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
I have been on birth control pills which regularised my menses temporarily. I have also been on medication to lower my excessive prolactin in my blood. Right now I am not on any medication.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Both parents have hyperstension and slight blood sugar
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
I am tall, slim, fair. Apart from excess oiliness which has caused acne recently, I have good skin. I have excess body hair, hair on my scalp is limp and oily and falling.
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
Period comes 1 or 2 months late, flow is scanty lasts just 2 or 3 days, is sometimes clotty and dark,
25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
Mumps and measles at age 3
Chicken pox at age 5
Bronchitis at age 13 years
German measles at age 25
Mild cervical spondylosis at age 30
Sex: Female
Age: 32
Nature of work: Heavy mental work, desk job, long hours
Habits: reading, movies, cooking
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
Irregular and scanty menses, hair loss, acne, excess body hair, very oily skin and scalp, occasional depressed moods, irritability, intense anger.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Stiffening of back of neck, lower back pain, dry cough
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Occasional depressed moods, irritability, intense anger, easily stressed
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.
Worried and stressed over menstrual problems, hair loss, body hair growth and acne
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
It started when I was 17. No event or disease, but I have been repeatedly abused by neighbours/servants etc as a child
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
No specific time
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
Lack of sleep makes me more irritated, also too much free time leads to depressed moods
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Yes, to my irregular menses 1 or 2 months gap between periods, scanty flow, occasionally dark clotty blood, period lasts only 2 0r 3 days maximum
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
Cold and dry weather
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Moody, sometimes nervous, irritable, stressed
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
I like thunderstorms
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
Yes, but not by everyone
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Im sensitive to smell and noise
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
Causeless weeping occasionally
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
I am mostly critical of people close to me
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
Fear of molestation
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Sometimes crave sweets (but cant consume too much sweet 2 pieces maximum). No aversions as such.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Mostly normal
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
Spicy Chinese food sometimes gives me palpitations and prickly feeling on upper body
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
A little more than normal. I sweat more on my trunk.
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
More or less fine. Occasional feeling of unsatisfactory movement
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Mostly sleep well. Sleep on my side. Sometimes worries/stress cause sleep disturbance
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
No, I am separated from my husband.
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
I lack confidence, feel a lot of irritation, and am critical of others
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
I have been on birth control pills which regularised my menses temporarily. I have also been on medication to lower my excessive prolactin in my blood. Right now I am not on any medication.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Both parents have hyperstension and slight blood sugar
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
I am tall, slim, fair. Apart from excess oiliness which has caused acne recently, I have good skin. I have excess body hair, hair on my scalp is limp and oily and falling.
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
Period comes 1 or 2 months late, flow is scanty lasts just 2 or 3 days, is sometimes clotty and dark,
25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
Mumps and measles at age 3
Chicken pox at age 5
Bronchitis at age 13 years
German measles at age 25
Mild cervical spondylosis at age 30
tubby last decade
please take 3 doses of NAT MUR 200C on a single day in empty stomach at intervals of 4 hours.
please dont take any other remedy for the next 10 days.
please report the changes after a week of taking the remedy.
if this brings you relief, you may go for the next higher potency, just one dose whe you see that the symptoms are getting back at you, maybe after 1 or 2 months.
follow the above if the symptoms still return.
please dont take any other remedy for the next 10 days.
please report the changes after a week of taking the remedy.
if this brings you relief, you may go for the next higher potency, just one dose whe you see that the symptoms are getting back at you, maybe after 1 or 2 months.
follow the above if the symptoms still return.
♡ rishimba last decade
i will try it and keep you posted. thanks!
btw, i just got my period yesterday (delayed by a week) - when should i do this treatment you have mentioned?
btw, i just got my period yesterday (delayed by a week) - when should i do this treatment you have mentioned?
tubby last decade
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