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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Toe Nail Fungus

Hello everyone. I caught toe nail fungus from my father (I am assuming) and my big toes on both feet are infected. My toe on my right foot have gotten thicker and is a creamy white. The toe on my left foot is yellow and I keep filing it down and putting Vick's Vapor Rub on both nails. Is there any cure for Toe Nail Fungus I searched the site and didn't see anything. Someone please help this is so annoying. If anyone needs more info please let me know. Thanks in advance.
  IvanE on 2008-04-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Toe nail fugus is not a disease itself.Sometimes we consider manifestations as a disease and neglect the real problem.In ur case,investigation is needed to trace it.

Dr Tahira last decade
Thank you for the response. Can you clearify 'trace'? I would like to get rid of this if you can help me.

Thanks again,

IvanE last decade
dear ivanE,

What ever the medicine is selected here on the forum I would like to give you a tip which is very---very--very useful for fungus nails. I was also suffering from this disease on my thumb. But inspite of my best afforts I could not healed up with medicine. I read an article wherein he give us the solution of this problem.

Please buy Vicks Vaporup and applied it morning and evening at the affected area it will kill the germs and you coming nail will be healthy. Though it takes some time but do not bother about it. It is a correct solution. Now my nail is alright.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dr Mahfooz,
I think u have suppressed ur fungus rather treating it.

Dr Tahira last decade
No dr.Tahira its not a suppession it has most effective and fruitful result as vick vapo contains pepermint,cloves,thiocinamine,thymol and a base of vaselline that mean completely petrollium and those have curing competency like our Arnica,calendulla,hammamels and graphities ointment.More quick result can be achived if we use cistas can/silicea 200 4pills early in the morning b4 half an hour of breakfast.The inner dose should be continued for 3to5 days.The ointment needs some heat after applying on the affected toe or hand nails.Thanks for your question.Regards,malaker
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Thanks dr. malaker, for your valued comments.

dr. tahira,

I have already explain the process of using Vicks in my own thread titled 'Nail Fungus' very early. I think the germs/virus become dead by its application and any oral medicine like Graph. Ant.cud etc. I remained unsuccess in using different medicine except applying this.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dr Malaker,dr.mahfooz,
Im not against applying medicines externaly but point is still there.I believe that such methods should be applied after treating miasm.U better know when and why body manifest such indications. This is my point of view,doesn't matter if nobody agrees with it.

Dr Tahira last decade
Dr. Tahira,

Yes I too agree with your thereoy of miasm.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dr.Tahira yes for which i have mentioned the name of medicines for intake,and its a medicine that can completely cover entire miasms i.e deep antisoric,anticycotic,deep antisyphillitic and anti tubecular.Thanks malaker
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Nail fungus treatment is very easy but proper precaution is must. Som eof the treatments are:
•Oral medication – ‘Terbinafine’, ‘Fluconazole’, ‘Itraconazole’ etc. are some anti fungal medicines that are used to treat Nail Fungus. But this process is bit slow and is effective more to grow new nails in the place of lost nails. It takes about 4-5 months to grow new nails. If you are patience enough then you can opt for this treatment.

•Tropical medication – In this treatment urea soaked cream is applied to the infected nail so that the cream should penetrates deeply into the skin and cure the disease. But it is also partially effective.

•Antifungal lacquer –In this treatment antifungal lacquer’s nail polish is applied to the infected nails and after few days nail polish is washed with alcohol. ‘Ciclopirox (penlac)’ lacquer is used in this context which is very effective to heal the pain. But to heal the disease completely, I am not sure.

nancy86 last decade
Its a very very tricky infection.
Toe neil fungus is tuff fungal infection popularly known as ONIKOMYKOSIS. Its more than often seen in women as they are more in touch with water. Also wearing shoes/trainers for more than 10-12 houes may simply cause the same.
Fungus starts from the upper layer and it goes deep and than it becomes difficult to cure.
as told by Nance, Ketakonazole, fluconazole, terbinaphine etc are once a day oral tablets but one has to take one year or may be even two-three years(I am taking since last 10 years- still only partially cured). This will not cure but what it will ensure is that new nail will come fungus free. If you drop medicine for shortwhile and you are gone. thats way treatment goes on and on. However these medicines are also toxic and cause lever problems. be care full.
One has to use multiple approach. One can use oral medicines + topical clotimazole liquid soultion available in market. If possible one has to avoid wearing shoes for the period of complete cure. Also if you can avoid water touch, nothing like it. Keep it dry with military desclipline.

Dr.Mehfooz's Vick vaporub thing is interesting. One can try and give more feed back on the same.

As its known fact that most fungus/fungal bacteria are anarobic and hence can not survive in oxygen so open air/dry nail will recover faster.

Mr.IvanE, there is thin chance that you might have got this infected from the clothes/towel used by your father. Low immunity and pre-diabetics are more prone to get fungal and toe nail fungal infections. That way you can say it runs in heritage.
Starsolyjoy last decade
Ketaconazole- once a week
Fluconazole-once a week
Intraconazole-pulse terapy
(two tablets twice a day for three days, and the same thing every month for three months)
Terbinaphine once a week.

Clotrimazole solution is simple anti fungle and can be used every day, thrice or as per wish
Starsolyjoy last decade
i had been got the this disase ,and i know how it is,, but there is salonspasource shop sprayed at all over the united state of america,, they really provide good service about it, nail cure and all concern to nail stufs...
salonspa last decade
Im so sorry to hear you have toenail fungus. It's never any fun trying to work around hurt toenails. It can also be very embarrassing as well. I would really encourage you to look into toenail fungus laser treatment. For more info on this treatment take a look at mynycpodiatrist. com, what you will find here is a lot of info about what toenail fungus laser treatment is and what the benefits are of getting this type of procedure done.
toefungus last decade
to get rid of nail fungus you can use zetaclear. it is best to cure it. it contain ingredients that natural

for more information:

joemerchant last decade

I see a lot of people using vinegar and vicks vapor rub to try and treat their fungal nail infection. Whilst these treatments can work, mainly in very mild cases, I do not see either working for most of my site visitors.

The treatment I used to clear my nail fungus, and recommend to others is Nail-RX. It is made of natural ingredients.

I hope this information helps others.

FungalNailTreatmen last decade
Keep Vick's Vapor Rub salve by your bedside and apply a small amount to affected toe or toenails before donning socks. Be sure that the toes are dry before applying the Vick's to avoid sealing moisture in under the rub. This method takes a while, but so do commercial applications and this one is both cheap and reliable.
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Toenail fungus is an infection that gets in through cracks in your nail or cuts in your skin. It can make your toenail change color or get thicker. It can also hurt. Because toes are often warm and damp, fungus grows well there. Different kinds of fungi and sometimes yeast affect different parts of the nail. Left untreated, an infection could spread to other toenails, skin, or even your fingernails.
Some know home remedies are as follows;
1. Apple cider vinegar
2. Baking soda
3. Vinegar
4. Tea tree oil
5. Oregano oil

To get the effective and fast result you can also try toenail fungus removal cream, this antifungal formula can easily remove fungus from the nail. Through this you can make your nails healthy and infection free without taking more time.
kevin39 8 years ago
take R 82, 10 DROPS THREE TIMES A DAY it is a homeopathic combination--very effective.

medicine to be taken for a long time.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
If it is hereditary then graphites CM will help.
Take a dose and report after a week
mnaari 8 years ago
Where is the patient? :-)
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Sorry didn't notice the date. :)
mnaari 8 years ago

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