The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hello doctori had married last year (Feb 2007), But we have no child. For that i had taken alopathy treatment for 3 months. for Improving semen i had taken Coq and Also don HSG For my wife. but i dont want to take alopathy treatment. My Question is which is better treatment Alopathy, Homeopathy Or Aurvedic. Pl. suggest me.
narendra1072 on 2008-04-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try DAMIANA-Q some 15 drops three times a day with some 20 ml water.
take it for some 3 weeks and then get your sperm count done.
if your abnormality in the semen is due to any injury or surgery or any disease in the past, you need to seperately address that. damiana will fail in such cases.
take it for some 3 weeks and then get your sperm count done.
if your abnormality in the semen is due to any injury or surgery or any disease in the past, you need to seperately address that. damiana will fail in such cases.
♡ rishimba last decade
Hi Narendra, I am telling some common information and advice regarding to achieve pregnancy for your wife. First, to be pregnant the lady should have intercourse around her ovulation (duration 7 days to 17 days from his first day of menstruation bleeding, i.e., if menses start on 1 then time starts for sex from 8 to 18 may result in pregnancy. Second, regular intercourse decreases sperm count so avoid sex for at least 10 days prior to that ovulation period and drink plenty of milk and other protein product during that days). These may work for you.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
One thing more, extact time of ovulatin is commonaly aruound 13 or 15th day from 1st day of menstrution and i advise you search more about ovulation on net and gets thing that can be useful for you.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
narendra1072 last decade
tariq_a last decade
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