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neck pain or headaches

Please advise for neck/head pain with even in open air specially in cold. Neck muscles feel stiffer with even slight cold temperature.
  mycosmos113 on 2008-04-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls try Causticum 6 three times ina d ay with Mag. phos 6x 4 tab thrice in a day continue for a month...

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Rhustox 2ooc

Dr Tahira last decade
Yes I do agree with dr.tahira, Rhus is good in this case.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
faisal qureshi last decade
I further wants to clarify my problem. I have some sort of muscles problem like dizzy sleepy cramps or spams twitching etc mostly in upper side some times it goes to lower side. I have done neck xray and test for muscles doctor says ur neck bone is straght its not curve as its should be and also muscle report incicate no indication of any disease.
Since past two winter seasons I feel cold a lot.If temperature chage slightly I feel headaches or u can say neck muscle become painful. If i lift a little weight some time i feel dizzy or muscles got stiff in the neck
mycosmos113 last decade
Rhustox 2ooc just 3 doses with the space of half hour for one day only,report ur condition after 3 days.Next time describe ur mental symptoms.

Dr Tahira last decade
Thanks Dr. Tahria
My mental sypmpton are fearing of death when sick like to remain quite. Feel dizzy tired depressed. Muscles of uper body neck shoulder arms become restless sometimes. Become tired after lifting or holding some weight (start feel dizzy tired. Muscles of jaw/face some time become painful. My work is like office job no or minimial physical activity. Some times I feel dizzy or spelling.
mycosmos113 last decade
Correction for last line. Feeel dizzy or spelling when eating lunch (I feel only a that time)
mycosmos113 last decade
After Rhustox come back with more symptoms.Ur mentioned indications in last post are leading towards neuralgic weakness which will be treated on upcoming feedback given by u.

Dr Tahira last decade
Can you recommend any other medication after taking rux tox which can cure my main issuses of tireness depression as posted earlier.
mycosmos113 last decade
I also some times feel crawling, tingling sensation in my body mostly on upper part of body
mycosmos113 last decade
Rhustox is covering ur recent physical symptoms.For next remedy i will have to further investigate so carry on with rhustox come back with detailed mental symptoms and past events or ailments which caused stress.

Dr Tahira last decade
my mental sympton are fear of future. always I think of future what will heppen in future on every moment. when i am sick i start thinking of my death. i do not want to take any chance or risk just hardly doing my day to day work. I am married and I have 3 kids. Sex life was/is so so.
mycosmos113 last decade
Furthermore I dont want to take any new step for my future. When I sleep on my left side whole left side body fro toe to head become stiff/spasam. Some time I feel shaking
mycosmos113 last decade
I moved New York from Pakistan 6-7 years back but for last three years cold weather seems to unbearable to me.
mycosmos113 last decade
Dear Cosmos,
whats update after Rhustox?

Dr Tahira last decade
pain is quite better. but now i am feeling pain all over my body it on and off (its coming and going). also i feel more pain when somebody try to tocuh my body. i am very sensative to noise also now.
mycosmos113 last decade
should i continue the rux tox or stop it.
mycosmos113 last decade
1- When u took Rhustox and how many doses?
2-Ur body achs get better by rest andpressure or worse?
3-Any major disease in ur family history and members?
4-What foods and climate make ur pains agg. or amel?
5-exactly after what incident or problem,ailment ur sufferings started?

Dr Tahira last decade

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