The ABC Homeopathy Forum
sweat / moisture problems in hand and feet
my 10 years male child is suffering from sweat or moisture problems from last five years when he was suffer from typhide fever. he was also suffered from jaundice before 2 years back , this time he is normal except sweat.when he study his books, this sweat problem increased and his book/copy paper wet and moisture.
his body always hot. but temp by thermameter is normal.
please advice me for taking medicine
mguptapdil on 2008-04-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
silicea 30c one dose daily for 7 days .one dose 6 globules or one drop liquod medicine on tongue
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Dr. akshaymohl,
If the adult Man have the same problem, should he take the same medicine and same dosage?
If the adult Man have the same problem, should he take the same medicine and same dosage?
aamir2008 last decade
dear dr. akshaymohl.,
after taking silicia 30 , we find very little response, pl advise some other medicine
after taking silicia 30 , we find very little response, pl advise some other medicine
mguptapdil last decade
Sweating in hands,feet is a manifestation of gladular disturbance in human body,where?can't say any thing without investigation.
Sweating in hands,feet is a manifestation of gladular disturbance in human body,where?can't say any thing without investigation.
♡ Dr Tahira last decade
Dear guardian of patient,after application of silicea as specified if you cant see any noticeable improvement, you can use calcarea carbonica 30 in pellet form 4pills 3times a day b4 half an hour of breakfast,lunch and dinner and continue it at least 2weeks.If you looks improvement after applying silicea,pls dont change the medicine and let the medicine work.Silicea is a good medicine for hyperhidrosis.Come back with your update after 2weeks.Pls dont be hurried.Thanks malaker
♡ Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
In order to cure your foot sweat, just try wearing special Cedarsoles (e.g. Zederna). The wood absorbs all the sweat in your shoes and it prevents diseases like athlete's foot etc.
Marc_546 last decade
♡ akshaymohl last decade
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