The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair loss in 7 year old girl
Hello Doctor,Me and my 7 year old daughter having hair loss on front area of head.
we moved from India to NJ last year.In India,I had hair loss problem but not severe enough to impact my scalp on head.I had good hair. My mom had hair loss in her late 40s.
My daughter never had any kind of hair problem.But after coming to NJ,I started having severe hair fall with impact on head area.It got thinned .
More devastating more me is my daughter started having hair loss with thinning on head.I can see clearly the thinning.which is making me heart broken.I dont know whether to worry for myself or for her.I am so tensed which is making me more stressful.I have taken her to pediatrician.but she didnt care.
My daughter has allergic bronchitis for the last 5 years.other than that she is healthy child with long hair,nails.
Please advice me:
1.Is the water here did not suite us?
2.or there is some kind of hair loss runnung in the family and it got aggravated after coming here.
3.what should I do to stop this further,as she is very small girl I am worried thinking about her future .
4.which doctor to consult?
5.which tests to get done.
should I move back to India ?
Please reply.I am thankful to you.which homeo medicines to use?
satya_sa on 2008-04-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try Nat Mur 1M one dose and wait for a week and after that phosphorus 200 daily one dose for a week and report me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
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