The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Piles at the early stage.
Dear Doctor, My wife is suffering from Piles, which is just in the begining stage, there is only one pile which is a wart like structure of size 1mm. Sir, the pain is very acute and unbearable. Medicines prescribed in Allopathy is Brufane 400mg, Rantac 150mg and a laxative for free flow of motion, all twice a day. But I have faith in Homoeopathy, Sir, your valuable suggestion is solicited.Brief History:
1. Urine is very light yellowish in colour.
2. She has a liking for fruits, especially, Citrus fruits. Oranges she likes the most.
3. Liking for vegetables, leafy vegetables, non-vegetarian, especially Mutton and Fish rather than Chicken.
4. Dislike for Milk, curd, sweets and pickles.
5. Sleep is very sound, but due to the recent piles her sleep is very disturbed.
6. Menses is regular, sometimes over bleeding and sometimes normal.
7. Liking for Chili Menus. 8. Anger comes very fast, but does not know how to express.
9. Routine appetite, no greed for overeating and very good digestion.
10. Face is very Oily.
11. Too much thirsty during the summer season.
12. Behavioural attitude very confident and commanding in nature.
13. Oflate pain in the heels as well as in the back rib bones.
14. Hither, two years ago, problem of Kidney Stones, but now there is no pain observed in the Kidneys.
15. Frequent vommitting during travel by train and bus, but very persistently during travel in Bus.
16. She does not fear for anything.
17. Daily Hair loss. Please peruse the above and suggest a valuable remedy because my wife's pain of this piles is very very acute.
savinirs_22061971 on 2008-04-23
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