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Silicea: First Aid Kit:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Silica and Chalazions Testimony

I just wanted to provide a testimonial for this remedy. My daughter who was 16 months, had a chalazion on her right eye for 5 months. I did not want to have it surgically removed, so I entertained many other ideas. I finally tried the silica (I believe it was 30C) 3 times per day 2-3 pills per dose. Within a week the chalazion had burst. It did get much larger and turned a little yellow/green, it was large enough that it caused her eyelid to droop. Now she just has some redness on the lid from where it continues to heal. Otherwise her eyelid looks completely normal!! Maybe I should continue the silica for the scarring. They were so easy for her to take because they taste yummy, often times she would hold her hand out for more!

Thank-you so much for this website and for the Dr.'s who work selflessly to provide answers for all of us!!!
  Ocean2 on 2008-04-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

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