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ABC Homeopathy Forum


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Frustrated scientist....

I am entirely fatigued of 'alternative' therapies covering up every hole ever exposed in their 'science'. After Avagadro's number was discovered, homeopathists eventually conceded that there could not be any 'substance' left in the solution. But now, you all claim that there is an 'essence' or 'imprint' left that will treat the problem. Yet another convenient explanation.

However, how can you 'select' when, where and how a substance's imprint will be transferred? After dilution of a substance, let's say this imprint is now transferred to a liquid. Then, a drop of liquid is placed on a sucrose or starch tablet, transferring the imprint again. Then the tablet is ingested, and this imprint is transferred from stomach lining and/or intestines, to the blood, to the site of the problem, etc. Well, if it can be transferred in that many steps, why not into excrement, into the sewer system, into the water, the sewage treatment plant, back into the drinking water system, and into our tap water!?

Doesn't anyone see this fundamental flaw in this logic? Oh wait, tell me that the imprint's 'potency' is diluted and eventually abates to non-effective levels...classic.

Please stop taking advantage of people. My mother is a sucker for all of this snake oil, and is dropping buckets of money on this horse crap. I'm not against other alternative treatments, but I cannot and will not accept testimonials as the only evidence for homeopathic effectiveness. Heck, given the age of the earth (4.6 by), and the fact that almost every molecule of water on earth has been in contact with billions of substances, we should be cured of every ill every time we take a sip of water!

Another concern is the fact that there is no regulation for the dilution process. If we can't detect the imprint, how can a consumer be assured that the process was ever done at all! Homeopathic ‘manufacturers’ could literally bottle sugar pills, water or alcohol and no one would ever know. Yet, amazingly enough, they would have testimonials piling up. Actually, this is a great idea. I should get some financial backing and start bottling tap water, sell it for $15 and claim that it 'may help with arthritic symptoms,' with a cautionary note attached regarding a side effect, ‘independent thinking may be adversely affected.’

I don't expect a response, but I invite one, as it would be entertaining. And don't send any links to other quack sites citing how it works or alternative explanations, only serious journals, with the exception to that famous one in Nature that was later rescinded.

Frustrated scientist,


  Chad on 2003-11-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dearest Chad,

It seems as if you are looking for someone to prove to you the effectiveness of homeopathy for why else would you take the time to write such an elaborate/cynical e-mail? If you do not believe in it, then all that matters in your world is what you think and if you are looking for an explaination of homeopathy from a homeopathic expert then you should be open-minded and neutral, not biased.

I have been treated with homeopathy for over 20 years, successfully. If it is all quackery, then please explain how after a years worth of failed attempts to cure my strep throat with antibiotics, did my first dose of a homeopathic remedy heal and clear my body of all strep throat and it has never returned. I was only 6 yrs. old, still screaming at my parents for my bubble gum flavored antibiotic, and had no interest in a little white pill. I was not told what it was for, I was told to take it and I did and after that all tests came back negative for strep throat.

I understand that science measures everyting in milligrams, micrograms, etc. and cannot understand how diluting a substance can make it more potent. Science is also heavily based on politics and money and the AMA is very threatened by the fact that a $7.95 homeopathic remedy can cure an illness seeing as drugs=money, money, money.

Maybe your mom has bought into some of alternative medicine's quackery as there is plenty of it, however homeopathy is one of the oldest forms of alternative medicine out there and it is NOT quackery. I commend her for taking the natural route and not poisoning her body with man-made drugs.

Maybe you should try homeopathy for your emotional imbalances/struggles that seem to be poisoning you. Here is a question for you Chad, have you ever taken a homeopathic remedy or seen a homeopathic practitioner? Or do you fear giving your time and trust to an age old form of medicine? Don't knock it till 'ya try it. What is your scientific explaination of love, a kiss, how water was created? Those of us that are on a spiritual path do not need PROOF of these for we cherish them and we know in our hearts what is real. Believe in yourself.

By the way, my homeopathic practitioner, is an MD who learned the art of homeopathy because he got tired of seeing all the failures in hospital emergency rooms and all the illnesses that could have been treated/prevented naturally.

"Let yourself be open and life will be easier. A spoon of salt in a glass of water makes the water undrinkable. A spoon of salt in a lake is almost unnoticed."

"If you can't find the truth right where you are, where else do you think you will find it?"

"Do not blindly believe what others say, even the Buddha. See for yourself what brings contentment, clarity, and PEACE. That is the path for you to follow."

Many blessings,
Namaste257@ameritech.net 2 decades ago
next time catch your finger in the door or hit it with a hammer (Im sure youve felt this before)try
a little arnica 30C and see if it makes a difference.
Ive been skeptical before too,
bt I cant ignore the fact that I heal faster(placebo?) and my animal patients improve and start to
heal sometimes to the chagrin of conventional practitioners who have used everything in the book..
(placebo again?)
Anyway..only way is to experience homeopathy yourself.
rtsZ 2 decades ago
Good idea though. maybe you should conduct your own placebo vs. remedy experiments on all your arthritic friends.
rtsZ 2 decades ago
Hello Scientist !

You would know how small are NEUTRONS / PROTONS / ELECTRONS and how great an energy can be generated by merely starting their chain reaction. >>>> They destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with that process.

The "smallest of the small dose of homeopathy" has a medicine content much bigger than a number of Neutrons and Protons.

Incidentally, I was educated as an Electronics Engineer and am now a firm believer of HOMEOPATHY !

PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Hi Chad,

Admittedly we can't tell you how homeopathy works, any more than a psychologist can explain the phenomenom of counsciousness; but just because we can't say how it works, doesmn't mean we can say with certainty that it doesn't.

In the preparation of homeopathic medicines, succusion (shaking) of the active ingredient with water is an important step - it is not enough for them simply to exist side by side. This can have an effect when a substance is diluted beyond avogadros number. ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/1643364.stm )

Theories as to how it works are pretty irrelevent though, it is enough to consider wether or not it does. There have been numerous double blind trials of homeopathy which suggest that it is more effective than placebo. Put "homeopathy double blind placebo trials" into Google for an unbiased survey of that evidence.

Note that phrase too "more effective than placebo". Placebos themselves can be beneficial. See: http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m1272/2650_128/55149344/p.... . Even if the benefit of homeopathy were to be all placebo (which according to the evidence, it is not) that would still be a tangible benefit, and as, unlike some alternative therapies, and a lot of conventional medicine, homeopathy has no negative side effects, you should consider that maybe your mum will live a longer, healthier life, than if she were dabbling in other forms of medicine.
Philip L 2 decades ago

Dear Chad !

MERRY X'MAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and all your kin !

PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Dear Chad, I would not insult you by trying to convince you of anything, but only encourage you to keep on trying to find out what works, how things work and continue in your scientific research. Read the book "The Field" by Lynne McTaggart. It is about how quantum physics was discovered. I bet you'll like it.
sabra 2 decades ago

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