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Posts about Chalazion

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Staphysagria for chalazion during pregnancy?

I have had a chalazion for about 6 weeks now. It started as a stye and now it is a hard lump on my right upper eyelid. I have tried hot compresses with and without epsom salts and some prescription medicines given by doctor, none of which have worked. I have not had a chalazion before. I do have Rosacea and I am 8 months pregnant. The rosacea is under control for the most part, but has been aggravated by the pregnancy hormones.

Is Staphysagria safe to use during pregnancy? And what dose should I take and how often? I am trying to avoid a trip to the doctor and surgery. Staphysagria was recommended using the Remedy Finder.
  rocky41102 on 2008-05-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Try staphysagria low in 6c potency one dose on alternate days till you see some change. If you feel any unwanted aggravation please stop and report.
maheeru last decade

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