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ABC Homeopathy Forum




Thuja Occidentalis:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

What potency and repetition of Thuja

I believe my mother's friend needs Thuja for post shingles neuralgia. She has been in terrible, constant pain for three months. She says it feels like something is alive and moving in her abdomen so I'm pretty sure she needs Thuja.

She has chronic asthma so I don't want to do anything to cause an aggravation with that. What dose of Thuja can be safely given for an elderly woman who is frail and has never had any remedies before?

Please specify X or C potency and how often can it be repeated.

Thanks very much for your help.

  ruth45 on 2008-05-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Ruth, if her exact words were, feels as if 'some thing alive in my stomach' look at crocus sativus. (saffron) If she said 'animals in stomach' then Thuja is possible. Try dosage low at first. Like 6x and watch for the reaction. Give it at least a couple of days, if favorable go higher 12x, 6c, 12c. and so on.
Best wishes
parachute last decade

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