The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sexual Health problem - please help!!!
I have this offensive smell coming from my penis that i want to get rid of. some background: It's not a UTI b/c I've recently tested for that, and not an STD.I have very good hygeine and wash under the foreskin with plain unscented soap every day (once or twice a day), and make sure that i rinse thoroughly.
The smell is kind of like a sharp, acrid smell. It smells like precum, when a guy thinks about sex too much and just sits there all day thinking about it, that's the smell (although I don't sit around thinking about sex all day). I also get precum developing very quickly, with very few sexual thoughts
it seems like I'm operating on a hairtrigger when it comes to sexual thoughts. If I just begin thinking them my penis begins emitting a tiny bit of lubricant. However, the smell is still there even if dry.
Any advice or feedback that you have would be welcome.
I have access to the following meds (but can get everything else by going out of town): psorinum 1M and 200c; sulphur and Nat. Mur. in 1M and 200C; China 6C; Coffea 30C; and sarsaparilla 200C.
Please do help, thank you.
joquestion on 2008-05-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please take SULPHUR 12C (three drops in some 20 ml of water in empty stomach)twice a day for many days.
continue it for some three weeks and note the changes.
meanwhile, if you note some new symptoms coming up, please come back and report.
it would take some weeks to get cured, so you must have patience.
continue it for some three weeks and note the changes.
meanwhile, if you note some new symptoms coming up, please come back and report.
it would take some weeks to get cured, so you must have patience.
♡ rishimba last decade
Thanks. How would I dilute 200C sulphur to 12C?
joquestion last decade
♡ rishimba last decade
in that case, you can take sulphur 30c one dose every alternate day morning for some weeks.
meanwhile if you note some changes or any new symptoms please report.
meanwhile if you note some changes or any new symptoms please report.
♡ rishimba last decade
joquestion last decade
♡ rishimba last decade
The day after taking the first dose I noticed that the smell was stronger and sharper. It's kind of an acidic smell, like the very strong odour from salt and vinegar chips.
Today the smell has decreased a lot, but it is still there to some small degree.
Today the smell has decreased a lot, but it is still there to some small degree.
joquestion last decade
how is the odour compared to the level you had initially before taking the remedy.
i suggest you wait and note your improvement for the next 2 to 3 weeks.
if you see that the improvement has stalled, you may take just one dose of 200c.
please discontinue the remedy now.
i suggest you wait and note your improvement for the next 2 to 3 weeks.
if you see that the improvement has stalled, you may take just one dose of 200c.
please discontinue the remedy now.
♡ rishimba last decade
well, now it's less noticeable than before, but it still is there. it seems to be about teh same level today as it was yesterday.
joquestion last decade
please wait for a week and see if the improvement is there or if old symptoms are coming back.
if you see the old symptoms coming back, please take a dose of 200c and wait.
if you see the old symptoms coming back, please take a dose of 200c and wait.
♡ rishimba last decade
Hello, there is improvement, but the smell remains there a little bit still.
It's still at the point where I don't feel comforatable to leave my house for any long period of time.
It's still at the point where I don't feel comforatable to leave my house for any long period of time.
joquestion last decade
I forgot to add, that when I urinate there is bubbles covering the surface of the water like a foam. It slowly dissaptes once i finish urinateing.
joquestion last decade
sir i m 22 years old guy i have a problem of premature ejaculation . and few drops come after passing urine and few liquid comes when i talk to my fiancé after that i feel much of weakness and pain in legs and penis plzzzz help me i m very upset
sir i m 22 years old guy i have a problem of premature ejaculation . and few drops come after passing urine and few liquid comes when i talk to my fiancé after that i feel much of weakness and pain in legs and penis plzzzz help me i m very upset
babarali last decade
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